Recruitment support
Resources are available to help connect skilled workers with suitable employment opportunities in the area. is a free online job portal that compiles postings from federal, provincial and local job boards and publishes them all in one place.
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Job postings are showcased in a list, as well as through a mapping tool, so users are able to view available positions by location. The Career Explorer tool outlines the skills, education requirements and median salary for local postings. Employers can use this same information to understand the local business environment and build competitive compensation plans. The mapping tool hosts an abundance of information including childcare facilities, schools, bike paths, transit routes and other important information that are helpful when choosing a job. The tool is available thanks to a partnership between: |
Orangeville and Area Job Fair
The Town of Orangeville's Economic Development and Culture office hosts large-scale job fairs to support the recruiting efforts of Dufferin County employers.
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Job fairs are typically held every 18 months. Please email us if you are interested in being added to our contact list for the next job fair. Job fairs typically attract over 450 job seekers with participation by approximately 30 local businesses. |
Centre for Career and Employment Community Services (CECS)
Georgian College's CECS employment resource centre provides one-to-one employment counselling, workshops and seminars.
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CECS also offers a number of free services to local employers and works with Employment Ontario Employment Services to deliver a variety of programs designed to assist employers. |
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides opportunities for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
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If you're an employer with a particular skills demand, the Canada-Ontario Job Grant might be right for you.
The Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services (PICS)
The Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services (PICS) assists newcomers and community members in Dufferin in finding employment.
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PICS offers several programs designed to assist in identifying employment pathways, including internationally trained professionals and tradespeople. |
Federal and provincial government incentives
Incentives offered by the provincial and federal governments can help support eligible businesses. From employment grants to funding for youth, there is support available for all types of business needs.

Employment Ontario
Employment Ontario can help you train your staff and find the talent you need to make your business successful.
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This includes incentives for:
The local Employment Ontario office servicing Orangeville and area is operated by Georgian College's Centre for Career and Employment Services. |

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program provides funding opportunities for businesses that provide education and training opportunities for employees, students and more.
Additional supports and resources
If you own a business in Orangeville, you may find the following workforce supports helpful in providing your staff with the appropriate training and to review local employment trends.
Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) |
The WSIB administers Ontario's workplace insurance for employers and their employees. |
Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin (WPB) |
The WPB leads local workforce development by identifying local labour market needs, trends, and priorities and works with the community to develop action plans to address these issues. |
Employment Standards Act (ESA) |
The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) is a law that sets minimum standards for workplaces in Ontario including minimum wage, hours of work limits, termination of employment, public holidays, pregnancy and parental leave, severance pay, vacation, and more. On October 1 of every year, starting in 2020, the minimum wage rates may increase annually. The new rates to come into effect on October 1 will be published on or before April 1 of every year, beginning in 2020. If a change to the minimum wage rate comes into effect partway through an employee’s pay period, the pay period will be treated as if it were two separate pay periods and the employee will be entitled to at least the minimum wage that applies in each of those periods. |