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The Town of Orangeville provides funding opportunities to eligible community groups. Explore the funding opportunities and learn how to apply.

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A group of children on a climbing apparatus

Community Grants application

The Community Grants Program is provides funding assistance for not-for-profit businesses, charitable organizations, and youth organizations that make a difference in our community. It helps support the ways they help our community thrive through social, economic, and other valuable contributions.

Applications open: March 3, 2025 (posted below)

Application deadline: March 31, 2025

Questions regarding the program or applications can be directed to [email protected]

Please note: organizations can only receive funding once per year.

Download the 2025 Community Grants application

Application details

Please include the following information with your application:

  • Financial statements from the previous year
  • Proposed budget for the current year
  • Funding amount requested
  • Explanation of how funds will be spent
  • Details of planned fundraising activities
  • List of executive members and contact information for the organization


To be eligible for funding, organizations must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be a not-for-profit, charitable or youth organization.
  • There must be a demonstrable or potential social, economic or other benefit to the Town of Orangeville, its citizens and taxpayers.
  • It must be in keeping with any stated goals and objectives that have been set or endorsed by Town Council, including, but not limited to the Strategic Plan.
  • The organization must focus the application on the benefits/outcomes to the Orangeville community.
  • Organizations submitting that have previously received funding must be able to demonstrate a record of providing value to the community for funding received.
  • The services provided are to be available to citizens in the community on an equal basis, even though they may be confined to a limited segment of the community.
  • The organization must demonstrate a reasonable effort to raise funds from sources other than the Town of Orangeville.
  • Are funds being received or requested from other levels of government i.e. the County of Dufferin, Provincial or Federal?

Submit your application

Frequently asked questions

How much funding is available for the 2025 one-time grants program? 
A total of $58,000 is available to be distributed amongst successful applicants. 
How are the grant applications reviewed?

The Town of Orangeville has partnered with Headwaters Communities in Action (HCIA) for the review of grant applications. Applications are reviewed through an in-depth scoring process by HCIA’s assessment team. The team is made up of a group of citizens overseen by HCIA. Following an individual scoring process, the team will amalgamate the scores and hold a group discussion. A report from HCIA with recommendations will be presented to council. Council will decide on the recipients following consideration of the recommendations.

*Please note: Applications must be received by the deadline to be considered. 

What is considered in the scoring/review process?
  • Meets all eligibility criteria
  • Applicant’s alignment with the Town’s Strategic Plan
  • Benefits provided to the Orangeville residents/community
  • The organization’s purpose
  • Whether the funding plan is reasonable
  • Demonstration of financial needs and whether the organization is a current recipient of alternate Town of Orangeville funding.
  • Feasibility of partial funding
  • Variety of project types and aligned priorities amongst recommended grant recipients 
What should be included with my application?
A completed plan and budget outline for the project, event, or program, with an explanation of funding allocation. Most recent available financial statement for the organization. Optional – any additional supporting documentation. 
What are some grant writing tips? 
  • Use simple, clear language
  • Adhere to word limits
  • Specify how you plan to spend the funds
  • Show the big picture of your plan
  • Highlight any outside support you are receiving for your plan, like partners or other funders. 
Can my organization apply for funding for a fundraising event? 
Yes. If approved, the Town must be recognized as a contributor and not a sponsor. The application must highlight how the event itself provides a benefit to the community aside from the fundraising components. 
Is Dufferin County’s grant process/criteria the same as Orangeville’s? Can I receive funding from both? 
Although similar, the Town’s eligibility criteria and policy is different from the County’s. Currently there is no preventing organizations from receiving funding from both programs.  
Can my organization apply for general operating expenses? 
Applications for general expenses are acceptable if the application outlines the budget and how the funding will be spent. The assessment team will look for how the funds will help achieve the purposes and community benefits stated in your proposal. These goals should be highlighted in the application. 
When will applicants hear if they have been selected? 
The decision on recipients is anticipated from council on May 12, 2025. Funding requests may be recommended in full, partial, or declined at the discretion of the assessment team. Upon council approval, all applicants will be notified of the decision regarding their requests by the end of May 2025. Successful applicants will receive their funding during the same period. 
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Sports and cultural event funding application

If your organization is attending a competition or event, the Town of Orangeville can help you cover the expenses. Complete the Application for Sports and Cultural Events Funding and submit it to the Clerk by email or drop it off at Town Hall:

87 Broadway
Orangeville, ON
L9W 1K1

Application details

Please include the following information with your application:

  • name of applicant/organization
  • description of the event
  • date and location of the event
  • level of competition
  • estimated cost per participant
  • amount of funding requested
  • description of other fundraising activities
  • summary of accomplishments to date


This funding is only available to non-profit organizations or individuals.

Applicants must be participating in a provincial, national, or international competition or cultural event.

Snow Clearing Grant

Town Council has authorized a pilot grant program to assist senior citizens and residents with physical disabilities with costs incurred from hiring a service provider to remove snow from their sidewalks and driveways. Qualifying applicants of a residential property can receive a grant on a first come, first served basis in the amount of $200 per property with a maximum of 50 grants available. Applications are first come, first served.

Application Criteria
  1. The owner or primary renter must occupy the property on which the application is made.
  2. All members of the household must be 70 years of age or older at the date of application or have a physical disability which limits their ability to perform snow clearing duties.
  3. No member of the household shall have claimed a credit on this or any other property for the same winter season.
  4. Only one application per municipal address may be approved.
Application Form
  • If you meet the criteria listed above, application forms will be available on January 17, 2025.
  • Submit your completed application to the Town of Orangeville via email, mail, or in-person to:

Town of Orangeville, Clerks Division

Orangeville Town Hall

87 Broadway, Orangeville, ON L9W 1K1

[email protected]