A dark blue web banner with a picture of a dog and the words "Animal control and licensing"

As of January 1, 2025 our canine control services have shifted to a new service provider. Municipal Support Services INC. is contracted to provide all canine control services in the Town of Orangeville's the Animal Control By-law.

Animal Control Bylaw A dark blue decorative line

Animal control covers all things related to animals in the Town of Orangeville. Our bylaw promotes responsible pet ownership and contains information about the following:

  • Cats
  • Off-leash dogs and leash-free parks
  • Poop and scoop regulations
  • Hens and hen coops
  • Prohibited animals
  • Wildlife feeding

Read the animal control bylaw

A decorative line in dark blue

A banner with an image of a dog and the words "Canine control"

Canine control

Our canine control services are provided by Municipal Support Services INC.

To report an issue that falls under canine control or for support:

By phone: 226-910-1322
By email: animalcontrol@municipalenforcement.ca

Canine control includes the following:

A dark blue web banner with a picture of a baby raccoon and the words Wildlife support.

Wildlife support

Wildlife requires specialized care through a legally permitted wildlife rehabilitation centre. Both the Town of Orangeville and the Ontario SPCA Orangeville & District Animal Centre are unable to respond to calls regarding wildlife. 

To request assistance with wildlife, please contact one of the following:

Ontario Wildlife Rescue
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Roadkill or deceased animals

If you are seeking to report roadkill or a deceased animal, please submit your report through our online reporting portal, SeeClickFix. The report will notify our Public Works division. 

Submit a SeeClickFix report

Pests and rodents

For assistance with pests or rodents at your home or property, please contact an exterminator.

A decorative dark blue line

A web banner with a picture of a dog holding a stick. The banner reads "dog licensing"

Dog licencing

The licencing service for dogs in the Town of Orangeville is now provided directly through the Town. 

Please note: All current licences will be in effect until the end of April 2025. 

New to Orangeville and have a question about current licencing? Please contact the bylaw division: 

By email: bylaw@orangeville.ca
By phone: 519-941-0440 ext. 2210

Apply for a dog licence

A web banner with a picture of a kitten being pet by a hand. The text reads "Shelter services"

Shelter services

Shelter services are provided by the Ontario SPCA Orangeville & District Animal Centre

The centre also provides pound services on behalf of the Town of Orangeville. 

If you are searching for a missing pet, you can inquire at the animal centre if an animal matching the description has been dropped off. 

The Ontario SPCA Orangeville & District Animal Centre also provides the following services:

  • Pet adoption
  • Community outreach
  • Advocacy
  • ...and more

Contact the Ontario SPCA Orangeville & District Animal Centre:

By phone: 519-942-3140
By email: orangeville@ontariospca.ca

A web banner with a picture of a hand holding a dog paw. The banner reads "more resources"

More resources

There are many resources available to assist with animal care, rescue, and more. 

If you're looking for information on:

Wildlife rescue centres 

Ontario Wildlife Rescue directory

Reporting cruelty to animals:

Provincial Animal Welfare

General animal control/animal control bylaw questions:

Town of Orangeville Bylaw
519-941-0440 ext. 2210