A web banner that reads Council and committee meeting calendar

To access agendas or minutes, click on a meeting in the calendar below.

If you are unable to locate previous meeting information, please refer to the Town’s archived council and committee meeting information webpage at orangeville.ca/AgendaArchive.

A picture of a council chamber, with the words 'Calendar legend'

Calendar legend

  • A bright blue square Council meetings
  • A navy blue square Public meetings
  • A dark orange square Committees and task forces
  • A dark purple square Orangeville Public Library board
  • A dark grey square OPP Detachment board

A photo of a historiic building with the words 'present to council'

Speak at council

Members of the public can speak at a council meeting during either open forum or requesting to delegate. 

Participate at a council meeting

A picture of a council chamber with the words 'watch online'

Watch council meetings live

The Town of Orangeville's council meetings are posted to YouTube and offer a live feed when a scheduled meeting is underway. 


Meeting and agenda calendar

Contact us

For questions or assistance with meeting or agenda information, please contact us at 519-941-0440 or by email at [email protected].