In the Town of Orangeville, we take pride in our properties, neighbourhoods and community. The Property Standards By-law outlines property maintenance and occupancy standards for all properties in the Town of Orangeville. These standards are designed to protect the health and safety of occupants, tenants and anyone entering the property.

Please review the Property Standards By-law for full details about the rules and regulations around maintenance and occupancy of property.

Property maintenance regulations

The Property Standards By-law includes a variety of general standards and regulations that all property owners must follow.

Exterior conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • tall grass and weeds
  • derelict vehicles
  • junk, rubbish and debris
  • maintenance of buildings and dwellings
  • vacant lands

Interior conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • walls, ceilings and floors
  • windows and door maintenance
  • plumbing and electrical service

Make a complaint

Before you report a property standards concern, try speaking with the property owner to give them an opportunity to address the maintenance issue.

You can make a complaint by clicking here.

Anonymous complaints will not be investigated unless it is a life safety issue. You must include the following information with your complaint:

  • your name
  • address
  • phone number
  • email

If you are renting a property, please include the contact information of owner or property manager.

Complaint process

The By-law Division may contact the owner or property manager to confirm they are aware of the tenant's concerns. Tenants are expected to provide access to the owner or property manager, subject to reasonable notification in accordance with applicable legislation, so that they may carry out any necessary remedial work.

An investigation may include any or all of the following actions:

  • contacting the tenant and/or owner to confirm the complaint is valid or has been resolved
  • attending the property to conduct an inspection to obtain evidence
  • working with the parties involved to achieve voluntary compliance
  • where compliance is not achieved, a verbal or written order may be issued
  • initiating additional legal action where necessary

Once an investigation is launched, a status update is typically not provided to the complainant, as the matter is dealt with between the Town and the alleged individual.

The Town of Orangeville does not disclose complainant information during the investigation process, however, should the matter proceed by way of prosecution, the Town cannot protect the identity of a complainant. Such information could be released through:

  • evidence disclosure
  • witness testimony
  • officer evidence

Property Standards Appeal Committee

If you've received an Order as a result of a property standards violation, you can make an appeal to the Property Standards Appeal Committee.