Burn Permit Application Process 

You must apply for a burn permit if you'd like to have an outdoor recreational fire in the Town of Orangeville. All outdoor fires are regulated through the Town of Orangeville Open Air Burning By-law. Please review the bylaw and ensure your properties compliancy before applying.  You will be required to submit photos, and drawing/sketch of your burn container and the area where your burn container is placed at the time of application. 

Burn permit online applications temporarily unavailable

Our online applications for burn permits are currently unavailable. To make an inquiry regarding a burn permit, please contact Orangeville Fire's non-emergency line at 519-942-7273.


It costs $30 for a burn permit. Payments will be done online through the burn permit application system.

Highlights of Fire Permits

An icon of a paper document
Apply For Your Permit
You must apply for your burn permit. Apply online here. Stay updated on fire bans by checking our Facebook page and website regularly.
A graphic demonstrating the 3 metre difference between a fire bit and a home.
Ensure Proper Placement

Keep your outdoor fireplace at least 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches) away from any buildings, property lines, fences, decks, trees, play structures, or anything else that could catch fire.

An icon of a fire pit
Check Your Burn Unit

Ensure you have an outdoor fireplace that is approved by the CSA or ULC, such as a fire bowl, chiminea, or a clay or metal fireplace. Make sure it has a mesh screen on top to prevent sparks.

An icon of two pieces of fire wood
Recreational Burning Only

Only burn clean and dry wood. Do not burn during smog alerts, fog, rain or dry conditions.

An icon of a fire pit demonstrating smoke should spout upwards
Respect Your Neighbour

Be considerate of your neighbors – ensure that the smoke is going upwards and not drifting onto someone else's property. Burning is only permitted between 12:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. 

An icon of a bucket with a water drop above it.
Extinguish for Safety

Always have a water/sand pail or hose nearby, and make sure to extinguish the fire before going to bed for the night.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials can I use in my fire?

  • Only clean and dry wood is permissible for burning. Yard waste, fallen trees, and other debris are strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this by-law may result in the revocation of a burn permit and potential charges.

How long does a burn permit remain valid?

  • Burn permits are valid for the calendar year and expire on December 31st.

During what times am I allowed to have a fire?

  • Fires are permitted between 12 p.m. and 11 p.m. exclusively. It is important to refrain from burning during smog alerts, fog, rain, or dry conditions. Stay updated by checking The Town of Orangeville website and Orangeville Fire Service social media channels to ensure there are no active burn bans.

What are the consequences of not adhering to the by-law regulations?

  • Failure to comply with the by-law may result in the revocation of the burn permit. Additionally, charges may be laid at the discretion of the Fire Chief and Town of Orangeville By-law staff.

Where should I position my burning container to ensure compliance with regulations?

  • Burning containers must be positioned at least 3.0 meters (9 feet, 10 inches) away from any building, structure, property line, tree, hedge, fence, roadway, overhead wire, or other combustible materials or obstructions. Additionally, containers must be equipped with a spark arrester or mesh lid.

Sensitive Receptor Registry

A burn permit may be revoked if there is a Sensitive Receptor within 45 metres of your property. Find out more about the Sensitive Receptor Registry.