You need a permit in order to open a boulevard café in the Town of Orangeville. Review the Boulevard Café By-law for full details about the rules and regulations.

How to apply

Please complete the Boulevard Café Application form and submit it to Planning Division by email or in person:

87 Broadway
Orangeville, ON
L9W 1K1

There is no cost to apply for a boulevard café permit. Applications can be submitted beginning in January of each year. Business owners are encouraged to submit applications well in advance to ensure approvals are received before patio season begins. 

Application details

Please include the following information with your application:

  • legal description of the property
  • owner and agent information
  • description of the property including current use(s) and existing structures
  • description of work to be undertaken (attach drawings, specifications, photographs or paint chips, where necessary)
  • an insurance certificate
  • requested start and end dates
  • authorization signature

General conditions and guidelines

Before applying, please carefully review the Guidelines for Temporary Outdoor Patios.  

Review Guidelines Here

Boulevard cafes must meet the general conditions set out in the Boulevard Café By-law, such as:

  • an outdoor boulevard café may be located partially or entirely on the sidewalk or next to an eating establishment
  • an outdoor boulevard café must be associated and accessory to an eating establishment, restaurant or food store that is permitted by Orangeville's Zoning By-law
  • music is not allowed at outdoor boulevard cafes
  • the Town must be able to access the sidewalk or boulevard if repairs or maintenance are required
  • all emergency accesses and exits marked on the approved plan must be maintained
  • you must have liability insurance of at least $2 million and name the Town of Orangeville as an additional insured
  • boulevard cafes cannot block pedestrian traffic (a minimum 1.5-metre wide pathway must remain clear and free on the sidewalk at all times)
  • boulevard cafes must be enclosed by a fence or railing that must be between 0.9 metres and 1.2 metres in height (if alcohol is served, please see the guidelines set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario)
  • a fence associated with a boulevard café shall not obstruct the sightlines at the intersection of two streets
  • no permanent structures are permitted as part of a boulevard café
  • all elements of a boulevard café (fencing, tables, chairs, heaters, etc.) must be removed from the sidewalk at the termination of the permit
  • all lighting associated with a boulevard café must be directed away from residential areas, other properties and streets.

Patio season timelines

Business owners are encouraged to apply well in advance of the anticipated opening date of their patios to avoid any delays. 

  • For patios located on the sidewalk/boulevard, the duration of the patio season is from April 1st to October 31st annually. 
  • For patios located within the on-street parking area, the patio may exist from May 1st to October 31st annually.