A web banner with a picture of a car in front of a historic building. Across the solid colour of blue are the words Transportation Master Plan. An icon of cars sits beside the text.

The Town of Orangeville will be developing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will help guide transportation infrastructure projects, developments, and decisions. The plan, which consists of four phases, will be completed by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited. 

Through the master plan, staff and Council will be able to review important information and recommendation that will guide policies and development approval decisions. The process provides the opportunity to consider town-wide needs for all modes of travel, helping guide future decisions on transportation infrastructure. 

What is a Transportation Master Plan?

As mentioned above, a TMP is a policy built on strategies to guide the growth development of the municipalities transportation systems. This includes roads, sidewalks, public transportation systems, and more. The TMP means future needs are taken into consideration so that the decisions of today will have a positive impact for the community of tomorrow. 

Transportation Master Plans:

A web banner with a picture of a downtown core with traffic and an icon of a vehicle and a map. The banner says Planning for transportation needs and growth

Why does Orangeville need a Transportation Master Plan?

As a community shifts and changes, so do its needs. A TMP provides the opportunity to identify patterns in those changes to anticipate the way residents will move around the community. It uses the data from today to combine it with the pattern results to inform transportation investment decisions over the next 10-20 years. 

Some of the ways our community is changing that impact transportation needs include:

  • The community is becoming more diverse
  • The average age of our residents is shifting to an older group
  • New opportunities that change the way people live and work have already begun, and we will see more of these shifts in the future
  • The Town continues to grow with a population of over 30,000 people
  • We are expected to reach approximately 38,500 residents by 2051

Frequently Asked Questions

What is transportation infrastructure and services?

In short, transportation infrastructure and services are what help us to move around the community. 

Infrastructure includes things like:

  • Roads, sidewalks and intersections
  • Traffic signals and signs
  • Bike lanes and trails
  • Transit stops
  • Accessible features to address mobility needs

Services would include:

  • Public transit
  • Crossing guards
  • Traffic enforcement
  • Roadway use permits
  • Safety education programs
  • Infrastructure maintenance
How is the Transportation Master Plan developed?

The TMP is developed through the undertaking of a study that:

  • Assesses our current transportation network
  • Identifies potential improvements
  • Develops a policy framework for sustainable transportation practices
  • Supports practices that help communities continue to be livable as they grow 
What is involved in the study?

The study follows a four-phase approach that is designed to encourage meaningful, two-way communication between the Town and the community. 

The four phases, in order, are: 

Study initiation/data collection
Data collection is completed during this stage and the public project engagement plan is developed.
Assessment of the current transportation network 
The current transportation network and services are reviewed, and future planning for the community is considered. This phase includes setting a transportation vision based on growth forecasts and identifying needs, opportunities, and challenges in the transportation system.
Transportation Master Plan development 
Recommendations are identified and alternatives to current processes or plans are considered. New policies and standards are developed to support future and current growth. 
Transportation Master Plan is presented to Council and implemented 
A final report is prepared and presented to Council. This report will estimate future costs, identify priorities, and create a program for implementation and monitoring of assets, services, and the ongoing work. 
What phase is the study currently in? 
The study is currently in phase one. The public engagement program has been designed as part of this phase with a plan to provide opportunity for conversations with the consultant team and Town staff.
When will public engagement be held?  
Public engagement occurs between phases one to three. During phases two and three, two open houses will occur for the community to attend.
How can I make comments or get more information?  

At any time during the engagement process, you are invited to reach out to the project team by phone or email. You'll be able to request more information or send comments to the study's confidential email address at [email protected]

You can also reach out to the Project Managers via the email address above, or by phone:

Brandon Maynard-Spasov, Technologist - Town of Orangeville
519-941-0440 ext. 2269

Kevin Jones, Consultant Team Project Manager - Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited
416-479-9684 ext. 513

How can I receive updates on the study?

To receive updates on the study, including notices for public engagement events, please submit a request to join our mailing list at [email protected].

In your email, please include:

  • Your name
  • Email Address
  • Address (optional)
  • Any additional comments

*The mailing list is managed by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited in partnership with the Town of Orangeville. To subscribe to all public notices directly from the Town of Orangeville, please visit our Public Notices page.