If you want to put in a swimming pool or hot tub on your property, you need to get a pool enclosure permit. The purpose of the permit is to ensure that you meet the proper enclosure and protection requirements that are outlined in the Town of Orangeville's Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law.
Apply for a Permit
Complete the Building Permit Application and submit it to Town Hall at 87 Broadway or by email.
If you are not the owner of the property, you will need to submit a Letter of Authorization along with the permit application.
Please submit the following documents along with the permit application:
- survey showing the location and dimensions of the pool/hot tub, including setbacks from the side yard lot lines and rear yard lot lines
- fencing details, including type and height
- grading plan
The permit fee is $180.25 for above ground pools, and $309.00 for inground pools.
If you are installing an inground pool, there is a minimum damage deposit of $500.00 required. There may be a fee for above ground pools that will be determined upon review of the application.
Get an Inspection
You will need to get a variety of inspections done during the construction phase. The following inspections are required with a pool enclosure permit:
- fencing – to conform to the Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law
- final – prior to filling your pool
Permit Details
Please review the following permit details:
- all pools, including inflatable pools with water depths that exceed 24 inches, require a pool enclosure permit
- you will need to contact us if you are installing an inground pool or are proposing a change to the grading in any way
- you can't place a pool on any easement
Pool Sheds |
You can include a pool shed in your pool permit application or apply separately for a building permit. If a pool shed is larger than 161 square feet, you will need a permit. All pool sheds that exceed 7 feet at mid-span must maintain 4-foot setbacks.
Decommissioning Pools |
Eliminating a private pool does not require a building permit and is not building code related. However, our Bylaw Department has a Site Alteration Bylaw that will need to be considered.