The Economic Development and Culture Committee advises Council on the Economic Development and Culture Plans as well as making recommendations to Council regarding policies, strategies and implementation of plans to support and enhance the Town’s business and economic development, tourism and cultural programs.

Meetings, Minutes and Agendas

Once committee appointments have been made, view the committee calendar for upcoming meetings and agendas as well as past minutes. The Economic Development and Culture Committee meets monthly or at the call of the chair.

Request to Present

If you wish to make a presentation to the Committee, you may submit your request online. A printable version of the form is also available through the link below.

Request to Present to an Advisory Committee

Join the committee

We will advertise all committee vacancies and request applications when necessary.

 The purpose of the Economic Development and Culture Committee is to:
  • advise Council on the Economic Development and Culture plans and how to best achieve its economic goals
  • advise and make recommendations to Council regarding policies, strategies and implementation plans to support and enhance the Town of Orangeville’s business and economic development, tourism and cultural programs.
  • assist the administration of the Town of Orangeville to implement Town Council approved Business and Economic Development Plans.

The Committee may also direct or monitor working groups, comprised of current committee members, participating in specific projects or initiatives, e.g. arts and culture awards. Any working groups will be established by resolution of the committee and the working group will report back to the committee at the next regular Economic Development and Culture Committee meeting. 

 Goals and Objectives
  1. To hear and consider representations by individuals, organizations or delegations of citizens with respect to economic development, tourism and culture and make recommendations as warranted.
  2. To provide advice on matters associated with major Economic Development and Culture plans;
  3. To support specific projects and initiatives that promote arts and cultural events and activity within the community and which help to fulfill the municipal Tourism Strategy and Action Plan;
  4. To provide advice and comment on decisions the Economic Development and Culture Division may take forward to Council;
  5. To act as liaison to the public, business community and investors in support of the development and prosperity of the business community;
  6. To remain fully informed and act as a strategic planning advisor on tourism projects, cultural initiatives and business undertakings in the community as well as proposed future projects which could support the retention and expansion of Orangeville’s business community and;
  7. To participate in relevant ad hoc sub-committees as established and deemed necessary for a specific purpose by the Committee or by Council. 
 Committee Composition and Skills
 The Committee shall consist of up to seven (7) members composed of:
  • 1 member of Council
  • 1 representative of the business community (e.g. manufacturing, post-secondary education, professional services, or creative sectors)
  • Up to 2 members of the public
  • 1 representative appointed by each of the following groups:

Dufferin Board of Trade

Orangeville Business Improvement Area

Orangeville and District Real Estate Board

Skills Requested

  • Experience and knowledge of manufacturing, post-secondary education, professional services, arts and culture sector or creative sector
  • Business experience and expertise within the general business community or the arts and culture industry
 Terms of Reference
Economic Development and Culture