The Property Standards Appeal Committee hears and makes decisions regarding appeals on Orders that have been issued under the Town of Orangeville's Property Standards By-law, which establishes the minimum levels of maintenance of properties and buildings in the municipality.

Make an appeal

Contact us if you would like to appeal a Property Standards Order.

Meetings, minutes and agendas

View the committee calendar for upcoming meetings and agendas as well as past meeting minutes. The Property Standards Committee meets as required.

Join the committee

Learn how to apply for vacant positions on the Committee.


Property Standards Committee:

This quasi-judicial committee hears appeals by persons who have been issued Orders under the Property Standards By-law of the Town which establishes the minimum levels of maintenance of properties and buildings in the municipality. The committee considers requests to confirm, modify or rescind an order to demolish, repair or to extend the time for complying with an order under the property standards bylaw.

Goals and Objectives

Appeal hearings will be conducted in accordance with the rules established by the City’s By-laws, pursuant to the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act and the Building Code Act.

Committee Composition and Skills

Up to 5 members of the public (to be the same members as appointed to the Committee of Adjustment). 

Skills Requested

Preference may be given to eligible candidates:

  • with knowledge and prior experience in administrative law
  • able to carry out a fair and impartial hearing
  • able to communicate effectively with the public
  • able to write a clear and concise decision
  • with excellent written and oral communication skills
  • with knowledge and/or experience in animal care
 Terms of Reference
 Property Standards Committee