A man is sitting and addressing a group of people. The copy on the graphic reads, “this start-up program is designed for new entrepreneurs who are looking to take an idea from concept through the launch of their venture.”

Have a great idea for a new business and looking for guidance on the next steps? The Orangeville & Area SBEC’s Concept to Commerce start-up program is designed for new entrepreneurs who are looking to take an idea from a concept through to the launch of their venture.

The group will meet bi-weekly over the course of 20 weeks (10 sessions), and each session will include group training and/or mentorship as well as individual guidance.  

Program participation will include:

  • Structured and step-by-step guidance in starting a business
  • Peer mentorship
  • Professional mentorship advice with aspects of start-up
  • Training
  • Assistance with writing a business plan

At the conclusion of the program, the business should be operational and starting to generate revenue. To learn more and determine how this program could support your business, contact us today.

Apply for Concept to Commerce