There are offer a variety of programs and incentives are offered by all levels of government to promote local economic development.
Federal and provincial government incentives
From tax credits to employment grants and funding for youth, there is support available for all types of business needs.

Business Benefits Finder
Innovation Canada's Business Benefits Finder helps businesses search for funding, tax credits and incentives offered by provincial and federal governments. By asking targeted questions about your business, the tool can identify relevant and available supports and programs.

Grants Ontario
Grants Ontario allows you to search funding opportunities offered by the Government of Ontario by ministry or by sector.

Canada Small Business Financing Program
The Canada Small Business Financing Program makes it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders. This program is offered through Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada and interested businesses can apply directly through their Canadian financial institution of choice.

National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)
The NRC's Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) provides advice, connections, and funding to help Canadian small and medium-sized businesses increase their innovation capacity and take ideas to market.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Tax Credits
The Canadian Government offers a variety of tax credits to business across the country. Check out the available credits to see if your business qualifies.

Energy Incentives
In order to protect the natural environment, the Province of Ontario offers financial assistance and incentives to businesses that support energy efficiency. This includes the increased use of renewable energy, energy retrofits and energy efficient construction projects.
Business development and financing
Learn about programs and supports for business development and financing.
Bank of Development Canada (BDC)
BDC provides small and medium-sized businesses with financing, consulting services and venture capital.
FedDev Ontario
FedDev Ontario helps southern Ontario communities and businesses diversify and strengthen their local economies by helping them to become more competitive, innovative and productive.
Community Futures South Georgian Bay
Community Futures South Georgian Bay offers loans to business which don’t qualify through traditional lending institutions.
Futurpreneur Canada
Futurpreneur Canada supports aspiring business owners aged 18 – 39 years old with financing, mentoring and expertise to get business startups off the ground.
Boundless Accelerator
Boundless Accelerator (formally Innovation Guelph) provides mentorship and business support services that help innovative enterprises start, grow and thrive.
Municipal support
Explore the programs and incentives offered by the Town of Orangeville to help businesses in our community.
Community Improvement Plan
The Town of Orangeville’s Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was adopted in 2023 and offers eight financial incentive programs that encourage property owners to improve the use and appearance of their lands and buildings in select Community Improvement Areas
Development charge exemptions
To encourage industrial development and employment in Orangeville, there is a 100% exemption of non-residential development charges for certain industrial developments. Contact us to learn more about this exemption and discuss your eligibility.
Cash-in-lieu of parkland
If you are developing or redeveloping land in the Town of Orangeville, you may be required to either dedicate a portion of the land as parkland, or pay a fee to the Town in lieu of the parkland. Review the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland By-law for more information.