The Age Friendly Advisory Committee engages, educates and partners with residents with respect to issues affecting seniors and makes recommendations to Council on ways to make the Town a more age-friendly community.

Age Friendly Discounts offered in Orangeville

The Age Friendly Advisory Committee connects with local businesses and restaurants to identify what age friendly discounts are available within the Orangeville community. 

Download the Discount Guide

Meetings, minutes and agendas

Once the appointments have been made, view the committee calendar for upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and past meeting minutes. Age Friendly Advisory Committee meets quarterly or as required.

Request to Present

If you wish to make a presentation to the Committee, you may submit your request online. A printable version of the form is also available through the link below.

Request to Present to an Advisory Committee

Join the committee

Learn how to apply for vacant positions on the Committee.

To engage, educate and partner with residents with respect to issues affecting seniors and to make recommendations to Council on ways to make the Town a more age-friendly community. The Committee shall review the Town’s Age Friendly Action Plan and provide recommendations to Council on updating the plan.  

The Committee may also direct or monitor working groups, comprised of current committee members, participating in specific projects or initiativesAny working groups will be established by resolution of the committee and the working group will report back to the committee at the next regular Age Friendly Advisory Committee meeting.  

 Goals and Objectives
 The objectives of the Committee shall be to: 

1. Engage 

  • consult with residents about issues affecting seniors; 
  • provide opportunities for seniors to engage with and help address local concerns; 
  • provide a forum for seniors to exchange information about current issues and emerging concerns; 
  • meet with representatives of older adults from different ethnic and cultural groups to discuss ways to meet the needs of older adults. 

2. Educate 

  • improve awareness of services available to seniors in Orangeville; 

3. Partner 

  • form partnerships in the community to educate, inform and improve quality of life for seniors. 

4. Plan 

  • identify barriers to access by seniors in municipal programs and make suggestions for improvement; 
  • develop and bring forward recommendations to Council on how to make Orangeville a more age-friendly community, relating to matters within the Municipality’s jurisdiction (e.g. transportation, communications and civic participation); 
  • define what an “Age-Friendly Community” looks like in the local context. 
 Committee Composition and Skills
The Committee shall consist of up to seven members composed of: 
  • 1 Council member 
  • Up to members of the public  
  • 1 representative from the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 
  • 1 representative from the Orangeville Seniors Centre 

Skills Requested 

Preference may be given to candidates who demonstrate: 

  • passion for accessibility/barrier free community 

  • background in one or more areas of focus, including persons with disabilities, seniors, barrier free access and or inclusive communities. 

  • understanding and desire to promote the “Age-Friendly” initiatives within the community.  

 Terms of Reference
 Age Friendly Advisory Committee