Tourism is a key sector for Orangeville and an important driver of economic development in our community.  Orangeville's downtown charm, its unique selection of independently-owned businesses, and its creative and natural assets are just some of the many reasons to invest in our local tourism sector. Combined with the Town's central location and close proximity to the Greater Toronto Area, Orangeville is an appealing destination for a large and growing group of prospective visitors.   

A plan for tourism

In recognition of the importance of Orangeville's tourism sector, a five-year Tourism Strategy and Action Plan was adopted in 2021. The strategy provides clear and achievable goals that guide ongoing local tourism success. The creation of a tourism brand - Love, Orangeville - was one of the plan's key actions. Launched in 2022, the brand creates a consistent and appealing way to create a conversation with residents and visitors. All tourism-related communications, including a dedicated website - - showcase the brand and all of its elements.

Support for tourism businesses

The Town of Orangeville offers a variety of services and resources for destination development and marketing, tourism business support, and visitor services. Read below for details or contact us to see what resources best suit your business needs. 

How do I promote my tourism business and events?

We can help you share information about your tourism-related event or business. Update your listing on our business directory or contact us with information for our event calendar. You can also apply to have your event advertised on our digital sign located at the corner of Highway 10 and Broadway.

Online Event Calendar

Include your tourism event on our online event calendar.

Tourism Business Directory
Promote your business through our online tourism business directory.
Digital Sign Application

Promote your tourism event on our digital sign at the Visitor Information Centre.

How do I stay informed about tourism businesses, activities, and events? is a dedicated website showcasing Orangeville’s tourism assets.

Our monthly 
e-newsletter is 
distributed to
over 1,500 emails
and published on

Pick up visitor guides and other materials from 200 Lakeview Court (upper level).

Follow, share and like our social media accounts on Instagram
Facebook and YouTube.

How do I engage and connect with tourism partners?

The Town of Orangeville fosters a connected stakeholder community through engagement, facilitation, and coordination. The following organizations support tourism in Orangeville.

What initiatives and resources are in place to grow my tourism business?

A variety of resources are available to provide funding, education, and information for tourism stakeholders.