The Town of Orangeville has retained Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited to complete the Town of Orangeville Transportation Master Plan.
A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is one of several strategic policy documents that direct how a municipality will grow and develop over the long term. It works together with a municipality’s Official Plan, which directs land use and development patterns, as well as other master plans such as those concerning municipal servicing, parks and recreation, and economic development. Generally, Transportation Master Plans examine current transportation issues within a community, assess existing and future growth patterns, determine the need for transportation improvements, and establish policies to support the plan and maintain the transportation network.
The Transportation Master Plan will provide important information and recommendations to guide Official Plan policies and development approval decisions, as well as future decisions on transportation infrastructure. The TMP provides the opportunity to ensure a coordinated approach to future decisions on transportation in the Town of Orangeville. The study will follow the requirements for Master Plans outlined in the 2023 Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Approach #1 (an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act).
Your input is important to us!
Engaging the community is a vital component of this study. Visit the project web site at orangeville.ca/TMP to learn more about the study and offer comments. There will be additional opportunities to review study progress and provide comments as the project progresses and notices of future consultation opportunities will be advertised on the project website and sent to those on the contact list. Town is also proposing to establish a Transportation Stakeholder Advisory Group to provide input and advice to the project team and to review and provide feedback on directions and preliminary recommendations. It is anticipated that Transportation Stakeholder Advisory Group will meet twice during the study. Meetings will be held in the evenings, using a mix of in-person and online formats to facilitate broad participation by as many groups as possible.
If you (or your agency or group) are interested in participating in Transportation Stakeholder Advisory Group, or would simply like to be added to the contact list to receive future updates, please contact [email protected] or one of the Project Managers:
Brandon Maynard-Spasov
Transportation & Development Technologist
Town of Orangeville
(519) 941-0440 x2269
[email protected]
Kevin Jones Consultant Team Project Manager
Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited
(416) 479-9684 x513
[email protected]
This notice was first issued on November 12, 2024.
With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become part of the public record, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.