The Men’s Homelessness Committee is an advisory body to Council on matters and issues related to men’s homelessness.

View the University of Guelph Men's Homelessness in Dufferin County: A Needs Assessment Report created for the committee.

Meetings, minutes and agendas

View the committee calendar for upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and past meeting minutes. The Men's Homelessness Committee meets monthly, or at the call of the Chair and will dissolve upon final reporting to Council.

Request to Present

If you wish to make a presentation to the Committee, you may submit your request online. A printable version of the form is also available through the link below.

Request to Present to an Advisory Committee

Join the committee

Learn how to apply for vacant positions on the Committee.

Committee composition

A total of eleven members, including:

  • three members of Council, including the Mayor

  • 6 citizens who reside in, work or volunteer in the Town

  • 2 representatives from either of the following:

    • Dufferin County Community Advisory Board

    • Dufferin County Health & Human Services Committee: or

    • Social Service Agenda


Required skills

Individuals with service sector experience in housing and outreach, emergency shelter, drop-ins, mental health, addictions, legal and youth or who experience/have experienced homelessness or are directly impacted by homelessness.

Goals and objectives

Phase I

  • Review needs assessment currently underway through University of Guelph
  • Meet with County Staff to review current status of men’s homelessness in Orangeville and Dufferin County

  Phase II

  • Evaluate completed needs assessment and formulate recommendations regarding next steps

  • Report to Council on the results of the needs assessment and recommendations regarding next steps including any funding requirements


To advise and explore options and approach various stakeholders to research the issue of homelessness with the goal of resolving any men’s emergency shelter issues in Orangeville.