Eligible groups in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph under phase two of Ontario’s Vaccination Plan can nowpre-register online at wdgpublichealth.ca/register. In addition to ongoing pre-registration for phase one Priority Groups, pre-registration is now available for these additional groups:
• Adults 60-79 years of age (80+ can still pre-register as well)
• Congregate settings staff
• Congregate settings residents and their primary caregivers
• Individuals with select health conditions
• Essential caregivers for individuals with highest-risk health conditions
• Essential workers who cannot work from home
“As the vaccine supply expands, we continue to focus on vaccinating Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph against COVID-19 as quickly as possible,” said Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health and CEO of WDG Public Health. “The province’s rapid distribution of vaccines across Ontario has facilitated the progress we are seeing in protecting the most vulnerable residents of our region.”
Public Health encourages everyone who can pre-register online to do so. There is a help line available (1-844-780-0202) for those having trouble pre-registering. Call volumes are high, so individuals using the help line should be aware that it could take several days to receive a response.
For more information on the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph vaccination program, please visit wdgpublichealth.ca/vaccine.