![Town Hall](/en/news/resources/Images 2021/N-Municipal office.jpg)
The Town of Orangeville has prepared for the early announcement of Step 2 under Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen and will continue to follow provincial guidelines for everyone’s safety. All patrons entering any Town facilities will be required to wear a mask and complete the COVID screening forms.
Town Hall:
As of Monday, July 5, Town Hall will reopen with reduced hours from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1-3 p.m. Greeters/screeners will be in place to assist with contact tracing. Facilities staff will continue enhanced sanitization protocols in the building. Online services are to continue to be encouraged as the primary service delivery model wherever possible. Customer Service is available by phone and email, 519-941-0440 or [email protected].
Operations Centre:
The Operations Centre will be open by appointment only (519-941-0440 ext. 4500).
Building & Planning:
Members of the public are still encouraged to use online services, however, the Town Hall will be open for drop-in visits or to arrange appointments.
Lakeview Annex:
Lakeview Annex will be open by appointment only. Remote services will continue and in-person Economic Development, Culture and Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) services will be available by appointment only.
Recreation centres and programs:
Town-run recreation camps at Alder Recreation Centre and Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre will be opening July 5 with participant limits.
There will be no indoor activity for fitness or drop-in swims within step 2. Registration for summer swimming lessons will commence on July 6 at 8 a.m., with lessons commencing August 3 at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre.
Recreation Customer Service is available by email and phone, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or email
[email protected].
Sports fields:
Several minor sports groups have started outside training under the step 1 provincial guidelines with a maximum of 10 people on various fields. Within step 2 of the provincial roadmap, outdoor sports without contact or modified to avoid contact may resume play. Town staff continue to work with Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health to determine participant limits for various sport teams along with other health restrictions.
The Mill Street branch of the Orangeville Public Library will open its doors on July 2 so the public can browse the collection and use public computers from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Patrons must wear a mask and complete a screening with a greeter. Library capacity will be limited to 25 individuals at a time with a maximum visit of 45 minutes daily. The Library has a limited number of public computers available for a 45-minute session per day. Computer reservations can be made in advance by contacting the library. Printing, scanning and photocopying are available. The library will also begin to book appointments for proctoring exams and longer study sessions. Curbside pick-up service will also be available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. The Alder Street branch will remain closed at this time. The Mill Street drop box is open for returns. The library continues to offer virtual programming for children and adults on YouTube and Microsoft Teams. Registration is open for the TD Summer Reading Club. The library’s digital collection is available to access books, magazines, newspapers and research databases. To get a library card complete the online application form on the library’s website.
Fire Services administration and prevention services are open by appointment only. Burn permits can be obtained by visiting https://www.orangeville.ca/en/living-here/burn-permits.aspx
Transit will continue to operate normally – masks will continue to be a requirement.
The Clerk’s Office will provide Commissioner of Oath and marriage licence issuing services by appointment only. By-law Enforcement – by-law officers will be on duty Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday & Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Public Works:
Drinking water treatment (testing and delivery), sewage treatment, roads operations and maintenance remain unaffected. Town staff will not be entering private residences for sewer back-ups or water complaints. Staff will assist with troubleshooting via the phone, check municipal infrastructure, perform locates and water shut-offs.
Building permits/inspections are being accepted by email ([email protected]), mail or courier. The Building Division will be performing all required inspections while adhering to all COVID protocols. Prior to conducting any inspections, the inspector will confirm that the individual (contractor, etc.) accompanying them on the inspection has been screened. Members of the public are encouraged to use online services at this time, however the Town Hall is open for drop-in visits or to arrange appointments.
Pre-submission consultation meeting requests will continue to be accepted, and meetings will be conducted virtually on Microsoft Teams. Planning application submissions will continue to be accepted and processed as usual. Contact the Planning Division for more information ([email protected]). Notices for new applications will be advertised as usual, and all statutory public meetings will be held virtually. Compliance requests and heritage permit applications will continue to be accepted and processed as usual. Façade Improvement Grant applications are being accepted. Use online services where possible; appointments can be arranged.
To view the provincial news release on step 2, visit https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1000399/ontario-moving-to-step-two-of-roadmap-to-reopen-on-june-30