The Town of Orangeville is committed to environmental sustainability. Through the Sustainable Orangeville Committee’s new grant program, eligible applicants can receive up to $1,000 to develop, implement, or promote environmentally sustainable practices within Orangeville.
“Creating an environmentally sustainable community is a commitment we all need to make together,” said Councillor Tess Prendergast. “This grant will help applicants who are actively working to make a difference and improve Orangeville’s environmental footprint.”
Projects that are eligible for this grant include:
• Urban food systems (e.g. backyard food growing/sharing)
• Active transportation awareness and infrastructure (e.g. cycling)
• Waste reduction initiatives (e.g. garbage, recycling, and composting)
• Water conservation and stewardship
• Air quality
• Energy conservation
• Urban forestry improvements and initiatives (e.g. tree planting/canopy)
To be considered for this grant, projects must be based in Orangeville and directly benefit the community at large.
Applications must be submitted by February 29, 2024, at 5 p.m. by email to [email protected] with the subject line “Sustainable Orangeville Grant”, or in-person on the second floor of Town Hall.
To learn more about the Sustainable Orangeville Grant Program, or other Sustainable Orangeville initiatives, please visit the committee’s webpage at orangeville.ca/sustainableorangeville.