The Province of Ontario has announced plans for stage 3 of reopening, as the spread of COVID-19 continues to slow. Orangeville is on the list of communities that can enter stage 3 as of July 17.
Ontario has identified this stage can include reopening outdoor playgrounds and play structures, movie theatres, indoor restaurant dining, and gyms, as well as relaxing restrictions on public gatherings, subject to physical distancing requirements. Indoor and outdoor gathering limits will also be increased to as many as 50 people indoors and as many as 100 people outdoors.
In Orangeville, the Town is working with Public Health following the announcement to obtain more information about appropriate protocols for municipal services to be reopened.
“We welcome this significant step forward on our recovery journey,” said Mayor Sandy Brown. “I know people are anxious about reopening and staff are working diligently to ensure reopening meets all the required health and safety protocols, while enabling more access to services in our community.”
As a priority staff are focused on opening outdoor play structures as quickly as possible, with a goal of Friday, July 17, the soonest they would be permitted to open. The Town will confirm the opening date for municipal playgrounds as soon as Public Health approval is provided.
The Town Hall will reopen on August 4, by appointment only. More details will follow. Information about Orangeville’s recovery plan and list of up-to-date available services are on the Town’s website.
Reminder: The Town continues to promote its summer youth series (a half-day session for ages 6-13 at Lions Sports Park by calling 519-940-9092) and curbside library pick-up remains available by reserving items via the online catalogue or library app, by emailing [email protected] or by calling or 519-941-0610.
For more information on the restrictions that will remain in place during Stage 3, as well as public health guidance, visit Ontario.ca/reopen. The government has released over 170 guidance resources at Ontario.ca/COVIDsafety to help employers in multiple sectors – including fitness, restaurant and food services, and the performing arts – keep spaces safe for workers and customers.