Recent changes have been announced to provincial public health guidelines. On December 10, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health advised that employers should make every effort to allow employees to continue to work from home. Accordingly, Town Hall office staff will remain at minimal coverage until further notice.
Customer service counters will remain open, as they have since reopening in early July, plus customer service is available via phone (519-941-0440 ext. 0) or email ([email protected]). The health and safety of residents, businesses and municipal staff remain key priorities.
The province is delaying the lifting of the proof of vaccination requirements and is strengthening the requirements to enhance public health measures.
- Effective December 20, 2021 youth aged 12 to 17 years will require proof of vaccination to enter the Town’s recreation facilities
- Effective January 4, 2022 the use of a QR code vaccine certificate is required by all participants and spectators. The QR code can be used digitally or by printing a paper copy. Download the enhanced certificate with QR code by visiting https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/
- Effective January 10, 2022 medical exemptions and clinical trial exemptions will require a certificate with a QR code, and physician notes will no longer be accepted
Capacity limits have not been changed at this time, but the Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly advises to limit social gatherings over the holiday season and to take additional safety precautions if all individuals are not fully vaccinated or where vaccination status is unknown.