The Orangeville Recreation and Events team is launching a campaign to remind participants and visitors of the importance of taking responsibility for actions and behaving in respectful ways. Respect YOUR Rec speaks to respect for oneself and respect for others at both Orangeville recreation centres.
Alder Street Recreation Centre and Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre are busy year-round, seeing more than one million visitors through their doors each year. Program participation and facility rentals are at an all-time high. At times, so is disrespect to staff and fellow program participants. Vandalism is also an ongoing issue at both facilities.
“No-one deserves to be treated poorly in places of work or play,” said Sharon Doherty-Gaudin, Manager, Recreation & Events. “Our recreation centres are true community hubs and should be safe and welcoming for everyone at all times.”

On January 19, the Respect YOUR Rec campaign launched at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre. Recreation staff were joined by students from Orangeville District Secondary School for the launch, which included an introduction to the campaign, trivia games, and reinforcing messages around the importance of respect.
The launch also featured the unveiling of the Respect YOUR Rec Strong Arms Wall, which represents the many pieces that tie recreation together. The wall has been created for students and visitors to use in social media pictures and is located in the Dufferin Room at Tony Rose. The room will soon be converted into a community space for students and more.
“Often it’s the simplest of actions that can help create an atmosphere of respect and kindness,” added Doherty-Gaudin. “We want this to be a space everyone can be proud of.”
Here’s how individuals can work together to create a respectful space:
• Be courteous to all.
• Use positive affirmations; positive words make a difference.
• Put trash in its place – help keep your rec centres clean.
• Use washrooms appropriately – overcrowding can make others feel uncomfortable.
• When visiting recreation centres with young children, do not leave them unattended and teach them the rules of the facility.
Report any incidents of disrespect or vandalism to customer service immediately.
Watch for these messages to be posted around both recreation centres as reminders during the campaign.
“With the help of the community, we’re confident, the Tony Rose and Alder recreation centres will continue to be great places to get active, meet friends and participate with others in a positive way,” said Doherty-Gaudin.
To learn more about Respect YOUR Rec, program lineups and more, visit orangeville.ca/recreation.