The Town of Orangeville currently has 12 municipal water supply wells, but has identified the need to increase the available water supply to accommodate anticipated growth and to provide back-up in the water supply network. The Town has initiated a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to determine a preferred solution to meet its future water supply capacity requirements.

The Municipal Class EA process will further define the need for additional water supply, consider and evaluate alternative solutions to resolve the problem, assess the potential impacts of the preferred solution, and identify measures to lessen potential adverse impacts. The process will provide members of the public and interested parties with opportunities to provide input at key stages of the study.

One of options that will be investigated by the Town is a new well, drilled earlier this year, at the Pullen well site off Veterans Way. Town staff anticipate the EA will be completed within a year. Additional permits and approvals will still be required before the well can be brought online. The EA is just the first step.

Public input and consultation are important. The Town will host a Public Information Centre (PIC) to meet with people, present project information, answer questions, and hear concerns. PIC details will be provided at a future date. The project team can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected].