Public Notice

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Orangeville passed municipal-wide development charges amending By-law No. 2025-004 on the 27th day of January, 2025 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c. 27, as amended;

AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges amending bylaw, by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Orangeville on or before the 8th day of March, 2025 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the bylaw and the reasons supporting the objection.

The schedule of amended development charges imposed by the bylaw, which came into effect on January 27, 2025, is as follows:

Amended schedule of town-wide development charges
Services/class of servicesResidential: semi-detached dwellingResidential: other multiplesResidential: apartments - 2 bedrooms+Residential: apartments bachelor and 1 bedroomResidential: special care/special dwelling unitsNon-residential: per sq. ft. of gross floor area

Town-Wide services/class of services:


Services related to a highway

$9,020 $7,448 $5,685 $3,138 $2,995 $3.92

Transit services

$1,282 $1,059 $808 $446 $426 $0.56

Fire protection services

$1,498 $1,237 $944 $521 $497 $0.65

Policing services

$298       $246  $188  $104  $99 $0.13 
Parks and recreation services  $11,951 $9,868 $7,533 $4,158  $3,969  $1.68 
Library services  $1,571 $1,297  $990  $547  $522  $0.22 
Growth-related studies $3,253  $2,686  $2,050  $1,132  $1,080  $1.24 
Total town-wide services/class of services: $28,873 $23,841 $18,198 $10,046 $9,588 $8.40
Town-wide urban services            
Wastewater services $8,688 $7,174 $5,476 $3,022 $2,885 $3.13
Water services $10,517 $8,684 $6,629 $3,659 $3,492 $3.79
Stormwater services $855 $706 $539 $297 $284 $0.97
Total urban services $20,060 $16,564 $12,644 $6,978 $6,661 $7.89
Grand total rural area $28,873 $23,841 $18,198 $10,046 $9,588 $8.40
Grand total urban area $48,933 $40,405 $30,842 $17,024 $16,249 $16.29
Amended schedule of area-specific development charges
Services$/Net developable hectare
Roads and related services  
Roads - RSP1 $27,988
Water services  
Water - WD-1 $23,903
Water - WD-2 $5,176
Water - WD-3 $7,216
Water - WD-4 $7,847
Water - WD-5 $26,738
Water - WD-6 $12,058
Wastewater services  
Wastewater - SS1 $6,713
Wastewater - SS3 $12,701
Wastewater - SS4 $5,689
Stormwater management services  
Stormwater management - SWM1 $12,222
Stormwater management - SWM2 $19,166
Stormwater management - SWM3 $21,727
Stormwater management - SWM4 $0
Stormwater management - SWM5 $0
Stormwater management - SWM6 $5,037
Stormwater management - SWM 3/4 Ext. 1 $9,529
Stormwater management - SWM 3/4 Ext. 2 $8,252

A copy of the complete by-law is available for examination at the Town of Orangeville offices, 87 Broadway, Orangeville, ON L9W 1K1 during regular business hours (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM) excluding statutory holidays or on the Town’s website.

DATED January 31, 2025
Cheryl Braan, Municipal Treasurer