Notice of Intention to Pass a By-law to Remove a Holding (H) Symbol (File No. RZH-2023-01)
The Town of Orangeville has received an application to amend the Zoning By-law (No. 22-90, as amended) to remove a Holding (H) Symbol from part of lands known known municipally as 41 William Street, pursuant to Sections 34 and Section 36 of the Planning Act.
Land Subject to this Application:
The lands subject to these applications are comprised two semi-detached building lots located on the southeast side of Hannah St. adjacent to William St. The subject lands are legally described as Part of Lots 8 & 9,Block 1 of Registered Plan 216, being Parts 2 and 3 of Plan 7R-6765 in the Town of Orangeville and have a total area of approximately 450.1 square meters (0.11 acres), with approximately 15 metres (49.2 feet) of frontage along Hannah Street. A location map of the subject lands is attached.
Purpose and Effect of the Application:
The purpose of this application is to facilitate a semi-detached dwelling, with a height of two storeys, fronting onto Hannah Street with access and parking via two new driveways.
The subject lands are zoned Residential Third Density (R3) with Holding (H) Symbol (R3-H). The Holding (H) Symbol prohibits any development of uses permitted by the R3 Zone until all conditions required to remove the Holding (H) Symbol have been fulfilled.
The effect of the application is to amend the zoning for the subject land by removing the Holding (H) symbol, demonstrating that its requirements for removal have been met. Council may make a decision to pass a By-law to remove the Holding (H) Symbol no earlier than the Council meeting of:
Monday, November 13th, 2023 at 7pm
Town Hall
87 Broadway
Orangeville, Ontario
Information Available:
For more information about this matter, contact Matthew Mair, Development Planner, Infrastructure Services at 519-941-0440 Ext. 2267 or by e-mail at [email protected] during normal business hours.
Related Application(s):
Zoning By-Law Amendment (RZ-2021-01) – approved by Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Decision/Order dated July 15, 2022 (File No. OLT-21-001691)