Notice of Hearing
Land Severance Application
File No. B-01/24
An application has been submitted for the severance of a parcel of land at 63 Zina Street for the purpose of forming a lot addition to the property at 65 Zina Street. The property is zoned as “Residential Second Density (R2).
Purpose of the Application:
The application, made under Section 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P.13, as amended, seeks consent to sever the 872 square metre property. If approved, 63 Zina Street would maintain a size of approximately 722 square metres with a frontage on Zina Street of approximately 20.1 square metres, with a two-storey residential building. The severed parcel of land would equal approximately 150 square metres.
Hearing Date:
Wednesday, August 7 at 6 p.m.
Town Hall (87 Broadway)
Public Attendance: In-person of via phone at +1 289-801-5774, meeting code 491 465 818#
Written comments may be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment by mail or email. These comments will become public record.
Additional Information:
For more information on the application please contact Mary Adams, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment. Reports will be available electronically for public inspection on August 2, 2024.
To be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment regarding this application, notification requests must be submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer by mail or email.
Appeals Process:
The applicant, the Minister or any specified person or public body that has an interest in the matter may within 20 days of the making of the decision appeal to the Tribunal against the decision of the committee by filing with the Secretary-Treasurer of the committee a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the decision and the reasons in support of the objection accompanied by payment to the Secretary-Treasurer of the fee charged by the Tribunal as payable on an appeal from a committee of adjustment to the Tribunal.
A copy of the appeal form and information on prescribed fees can be found on the Ontario Land Tribunal’s website at olt.gov.on.ca/appeals-process.