Monday November 6, 2023, at 7pm
Council Chambers, Town Hall
87 Broadway
Lands Subject to this Application:
The subject land is bounded by Hansen Boulevard to the north, Highway 10 to the east, Fourth Avenue to the south and First Street to the west. The subject lands contain the Fairgrounds Shopping Centre which is made up of a variety of commercial uses and associated parking areas. The subject lands have a total lot area of 18.74 hectares (46.33 acres) and have approximately 700m (ft) of frontage on Highway 10, 135m (ft) of frontage on First Street 464m (ft) of frontage on Fifth Avenue and 200m (ft) of frontage on Third Street. Refer to the location map of the subject lands included.
Purpose and Effect of the Application:
The purpose and effect of the application is to delete the Commercial Gross Floor Area restrictions of Special Provision sections 24.82 (4) and 24.83 (4) of the Town’s Zoning By-Law that apply to the subject lands, to enable new or expansions to existing complementary commercial uses on the subject lands.
To View or Join the Public Meeting:
You are invited to attend and participate in this meeting, either in-person or virtually and there are many ways to provide your input on this application. Instructions on how to view the meeting or participate in person, are available on the Town’s website at: https://calendar.orangeville.ca/meetings
To phone-in to the meeting to raise questions or comments, call 1-289-801-5774, after 7 p.m. on the evening of the Public Meeting and enter Conference ID: 130334890# when prompted. Callers will be invited to provide their questions or comments following the conclusion of the meeting presentation(s).
To make a presentation to Council at the Public Meeting, submit a Delegation Form found on www.orangeville.ca to [email protected] by 10 am on Monday November 6, 2023.
Written comments may also be submitted prior to the meeting and can be addressed to the Mayor and Members of Council, and/or the staff contact provided below. All written comments received will become a matter of public record and will be considered through the review of this application.
Information Available:
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact David Waters, Senior Planner, Infrastructure Services at 519-941-0440 Ext. 2260 or by e-mail at [email protected] during normal business hours or visit the Planning Division.