In May 2024, the Town of Orangeville embarked on the development of a five-year Economic Development and Culture Strategy. A four-step development process included extensive stakeholder consultation and a thorough analysis of our local community.
The final strategy was adopted by Town Council on November 18 and is built around three themes: CONNECT with Orangeville, ENHANCE Orangeville, and BUILD Orangeville. It identifies three priority focus areas and has laid out 39 specific actions to support each one over the next five years.
Developing a resilient business community
Economic diversity is one of the most effective ways to increase long-term economic resilience. Having a diverse economy means Orangeville can weather downturns in the economy, resist disruptive events (e.g., COVID 19) and help provide a more sustainable environment for business start-up, success and growth. It’s all about retaining local business, providing opportunities for business to grow, and attracting new business to the community while creating a climate conducive to investment.
Supporting small business
Small businesses are the heart of Orangeville. Most of the jobs in Orangeville are provided by small businesses (5 to 9 employees) across a diverse range of sectors including manufacturing, retail, professional services, construction, and the creative sector. Beyond employment, small businesses support the economy by creating valuable local connections, investing in community initiatives, contributing significantly to the local tax base, and demonstrating pride for their community.
Fostering Tourism and Culture
Tourism and culture are intertwined. In Orangeville, culture is broadly defined and encompasses heritage, visual arts, performing arts, and public art as well as festivals and events that celebrate our community. These important cultural assets also act as foundational tourism drivers that attract visitors, support local business, and create jobs in creative industries such as film, photography, and design.
The Town’s existing Tourism Strategy specifically recognizes the importance of tourism in Orangeville and identifies actions to attract visitors. The EDC Strategy aims to identify relationships, opportunities, and assets that can support culture and, in turn, tourism in Orangeville.
In crafting this strategy, the Town of Orangeville has laid out its plan to build on its existing assets to become a fully integrated community of choice for business investment, retention, and growth.
Implementation of the strategy will begin in 2025.