An Orangeville Transit bus picking up passengers from a bus shelter

Orangeville Transit and Parks and Recreation are making changes to the stop at Alder Street Recreation Centre to make accessing the facility that much easier. The change comes as part of their collaborative efforts to help patrons of the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre pool access the services at the west-end rec centre.

“Our transit riders and pool visitors have shared their challenges accessing the pool at the Alder Street Recreation Centre, and we have listened," said Tony Dulisse, Manager of Transportation and Development. “We are committed to improving our route communications and are also making changes at the recreation centre to enhance the safety and convenience of the bus stop.”

Work is currently underway to move the existing bus stop, located on the west side of the driveway at the Alder Street Recreation Centre, to the east side. The move will place the bus stop at the sidewalk leading to the facility's entrance and eliminate the need to cross a busy parking lot entrance safely.

Orangeville Transit will also be purchasing a new bus shelter and pouring a concrete pad for the relocated stop. These elements will be installed at a later date, following the shelter’s delivery.

In recognition of the aquatics participants who often rely on walking to Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre, a communications campaign is being launched to help navigate transportation to Alder Street Recreation Centre.

“Navigating a new route can be overwhelming,” said Sharon Doherty-Gaudin, Manager of Recreation and Events. “Ensuring easy access between our two recreation centres has always been a priority, which is why they’re on the same bus route. There’s no need to transfer or worry about boarding the right bus—just hop on the bus in the Tony Rose area, and it will take you all the way to Alder.”

Six stops on the Orange Route currently exist within the vicinity of Tony Rose:

  • First Street and Fourth Avenue
  • The Bromount Place (McCarthy Street)
  • McCarthy Street and Faulkner Street
  • Fead Street at Faulkner Street (ODSS)
  • ODSS at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre
  • Clara Street and Elizabeth Street

When the Orange bus passes through the transit hub, riders will remain on the bus straight through to Alder Street Recreation Centre. The route will take approximately 15 minutes to travel between the two rec centres.

Along with providing a map and information on social media, a special section will be added to the transit and recreation pages on with details specifically for travelling between the two recreation centres.

“The participants in our programs are incredibly important to us, and we want to make this disruption to their routine as smooth as possible,” added Doherty-Gaudin.

Long-term, Orangeville Transit and Parks and Recreation are continuing to work together to invest in further improvements at the Alder Street Recreation Centre. This includes a review of the parking lot and ways to increase safety during high-traffic periods.

“We’re continuing to listen and examining ways we can incorporate more accessible options moving forward,” said Dulisse. “The changes we are making with this one stop are not the end – discussions are already underway on other ways we can make access to Alder Recreation Centre easier, safer, and better for transit and recreation users.”