Humber College has announced that it will close its Orangeville operations, based inside the Alder Recreation Centre, in June of 2021.

In a news release today, Humber president Chris Whitaker said the college is grateful to have had the Town of Orangeville as a supportive partner. Mr. Whitaker recently met with the Orangeville Mayor Sandy Brown and Chief Administrative Officer Ed Brennan to provide advance notice of the decision.

The closure is slated for the end of the spring semester in 2021, when the Town’s lease agreement expires for space at the Alder Recreation Centre. Humber cites ongoing enrolment challenges, increasing operating costs, and recent reductions in tuition revenue as contributing factors in the decision.

It was 2006 when Humber began to offer courses in Orangeville and a year later when the college moved into the Alder Recreation Centre. The partnership with the Town for space at the Alder Recreation Centre worked for both parties. Currently, Humber has 205 students enrolled in four programs.

“The anticipated enrolment growth at Humber Orangeville did not materialize so a difficult business decision was made,” Mayor Brown said. “In turn, the Town will look at the best uses of the space in the Alder Recreation Centre. The news is disappointing but we have appreciated the partnership with Humber. We will look ahead at growing our Community Services programming and future new uses for the space. This is an opportunity to look at new ideas and the recreation master plan process will include redeveloping part of the recreation centre. This launches us into some interesting conversations.”

It has been a strong partnership between Orangeville and Humber – a partnership that offered programs to address community needs, expanded educational opportunities in the area, and increased the pool of skilled labour for the area’s economy.

Mayor Brown noted that Humber has heavily invested in two large campuses in the Greater Toronto Area and that they have become impressive centres of post-secondary education.

The Town will work with local stakeholders and Georgian College, to identify education and training needs. Georgian College, located at 22 Centennial Road, plans to pick up two programs now offered by Humber: Early Childhood Education and Social Service Worker.