The Town of Orangeville, with support from Deloitte LLP, is conducting resident telephone interviews to seek input on it’s new Strategic Plan. The telephone surveys will take place between late August and mid-September and we invite residents and businesses to provide feedback on what they think the Town of Orangeville should prioritize over the next four years.

Strategic Plans

The new Strategic Plan will provide a framework for decision making in the upcoming term of Council. When completed, the Strategic Plan will:

  • Provide a vision for Orangeville’s future
  • Identify priority areas and actions that will help decide where and how to spend money
  • Provide goals for effective and efficient municipal service delivery
  • Help the Town provide the right programs for its residents


Telephone Surveys

Between late-August to mid-September, a randomly selected group of residents and businesses will be contacted by Deloitte LLP to participate. If you are contacted, we encourage you to participate as your input, perspectives, and ideas are important to this process. 

The following are some questions to expect from the citizen survey:

  • What is your perception of Orangeville and words you would use to describe the community.
  • What programs, services and responsibilities are being done well.
  • What areas/themes should be prioritized by Council in the next 4 years.
  • You may be asked to rate Orangeville’s services and responsibilities in terms of importance and satisfaction.

Deloitte representatives will seek participant age ranges and confirmation that they live in Orangeville to understand the trends between different demographic profiles. No one from the Town or Deloitte will ask you to identify yourself and you will not be asked to provide credit card or other personal information.

If participants or residents would like to speak with a representative from the Town of Orangeville, please contact Ruth Phillips at [email protected].