ORDC sells land in Brampton – The Town, as owner of all of the shares of Orangeville Railway Development Corporation (ORDC), confirmed the sale of ORDC lands in Brampton to the City of Brampton for a sale price of $24.5 million and directed the issuance of the tabled press release.
Development of 82, 86-90 Broadway – Council received a report regarding the development of 82, 86-90 Broadway, and directed staff to bring forward recommendations on or before June 2022 on options for the next steps for the development of the property, including details on the cost associated with the development process.
Cemetery By-law update – Council amended By-law 2018-050 to make changes to specified costs relating to the care and maintenance fund and updated the fees for 2022.
Clean Water Act, 2006 – Council received and approved a report regarding the appointment of a Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspectors under Part IV of the Clean Water Act, 2006. Council passed a by-law to appoint BluMetric Environmental Inc. as the Town’s Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspector(s) for the purposes of enforcing Part IV of the Act.
2022 interim borrowing – Council received a report on 2022 Interim Borrowing and passed a by-law to authorize external temporary borrowing in 2022.
2022 interim tax levy – Council received a report regarding the 2022 Interim Tax Levy and passed a by-law to provide for the levy and collection of interim taxes required for the Town of Orangeville for the year 2022 and for the collection of County of Dufferin and Education taxes.
False alarm calls – Council was informed that through the first nine months of 2021, the OPP used 220 hours to administer service to 171 false alarm calls. Council resolved that Town staff investigate the actual costs associated with these calls and implement a billing system to recover these costs from those responsible.
Children's traffic dampening signs – Based on the successful implementation of a program utilizing children's traffic dampening signs in the Township of Melancthon, Council resolved that staff report back on this initiative as part of the traffic calming program to be presented to Council in February of 2022.