COVID-19 Community Recognition Award Recipients Mayor Sandy Brown congratulated all award recipients for their contributions to the community’s well-being during the pandemic and thanked them for their service. The award winners are:

  • My FM Radio
  • Branching Out Support Service Participants
  • Cedar Heights Dental
  • Community Response Team
  • Curry Mantra Restaurant
  • Heritage Dental
  • Déjà vu Diner and Boxed Meats
  • Dufferin Autism Committee
  • Orangeville Caremongering
  • Orangeville Minor Hockey
  • Pita Pit
  • Marifa MacMullen
  • Simran Bhamu
  • Sym Bookkeeping
  • Teena Avery

Mayor Brown also announced a $42,000 donation to the Orangeville Food Bank from Tire Discounters. Council passed a resolution to make a donation in the amount of $600 to the Orangeville Food Bank from the Community Grant Program on behalf of the award recipients.

Land Purchase A Community Services report was presented to Council regarding the purchase of land for a new fire station. Staff have been seeking and evaluating potential locations for the development of a new fire station of approximately 20,000 square feet. Among other requirements, the selected property needed to be in a central area, along roads that would permit fire trucks to respond to emergencies quickly while also maintaining the level of service required for the municipality. The capacity to accommodate outdoor storage and training, a four-bay drive-through design, an Emergency Operations Centre, administration space, public access and parking, and future expansion were additional considerations.

Staff commenced interactions early in the year with Metrolinx, owners of the 6.18-acre lot at 30 Centennial Road. A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment (EA) of the property was conducted which determined that a Phase II Environmental Assessment of the property would be required. Both the Town and Metrolinx commissioned independent accredited appraisals of the property.

Council voted to purchase the site for $2,500,000. Staff were directed to move forward with completion of a Phase II Environmental Assessment of the property.

Small Business COVID Recovery Network Project Council received an Economic Development report about a new Ontario-wide small business project. The “Ontario Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Network” will provide funding to help small businesses from the fallout of COVID-19. The project is funded by the province through an agreement with the Business Advisory Centre Durham (BACD), a registered non-profit organization based in Whitby, Ontario. The BACD in turn, will enter into agreements with up to 46 Small Business Enterprise Centres and flow grant funding of $32,000 to each SBEC, enabling them to hire business advisors to provide specialized assistance and education to local small businesses. The project timeline is October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.

The Orangeville & Area SBEC will administer the $32,000 advisory funding and will engage private sector professionals to provide specialized workshops and to deliver enhanced, one-to-one confidential coaching services to assist business owners with the issues that they face. The office will work with a bank of specialized consultants who are available to provide advice and guidance on a range of topics including marketing, digitalization, sourcing new markets, bookkeeping, financial forecasting, and future planning. This enhanced, specialized service will be provided free to local Orangeville and area business owners who are experiencing challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Council directed staff to implement the Ontario Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Network Program. 

Committee annual reports – Annual reports from the Business and Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Cultural Plan Task Force and Heritage Orangeville were received.

670-690 Broadway recommendation – Council received a report from the Planning Division, recommending approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for 670-690 Broadway, on the south side of Broadway, east of Riddell Road. The proposal, submitted by Matthews Planning & Management Ltd. on behalf of 2040771 Ontario Inc. and Habitat for Humanity, is for the development of condominium townhouse units.

A public meeting was held last December at which residents expressed concerns with respect to potential impacts to traffic and natural features, as well as compatibility with surrounding residential areas. The applicant revised the concept plan which reduced the number of units from 40 to 33 and included a 198-square-metre parkette. A second public meeting was held on November 23, 2020 to present the revised concept to Council and members of the public. A delegation on behalf of the residents indicated that the residents were satisfied with the changes made. Council approved the revised proposal.

Faulkner Street - Sunset Drive Sidewalk options – Infrastructure Services presented a report concerning a petition presented to Council on November 9, 2020, for a sidewalk to be installed in the area of Faulkner Street due to safety concerns. In areas without sidewalks, Council may choose to add a sidewalk on a case-by-case basis. The Town’s Sidewalk Policy requires that prior to final approval of any new sidewalks in an existing neighbourhood, all affected property owners within the limits of construction will be given an opportunity to comment and/or attend a Public Information Centre at which the Town will present the options.

The report presented three options. The most comprehensive option recommends a 390-metre section of sidewalk commencing at the north driveway into ODSS and ending at the intersection of Northgate Drive and Forest Park Road, immediately across from the walkway connecting this intersection to Goldgate Crescent. Council directed staff to include this option for consideration during the 2021 budget deliberations.

Transit Transfer Station – a resolution was passed by Council, directing staff to work with the County of Dufferin to assess the feasibility and costs for locating the transit transfer station at the Edelbrock Centre (Centre Street and connecting with Dawson Road) which includes the detailed design options prepared by Triton Engineering; and that staff report back to Council in January 2021. Council also directed staff to report back to Council on the matter of adding a second community garden in the Town.

Extension of COVID Relief Measures – Council voted to extend the COVID-19 relief measures. Penalties and interest on property taxes and water and wastewater fees
will be waived up to March 31, 2021, and transit fees for Orangeville Transit will be waived up to March 31, 2021.