Earlier this year, the Town of Orangeville undertook Broadway Bricks, an accessibility and infrastructure project expected to finish at the end of November. Based on the project timelines, the Town is happy to announce Broadway will return to normal as of October 31, 2022.
“We want to thank all our downtown Orangeville businesses for their co-operation throughout the construction project,” said Ray Osmond, Acting CAO. “Our contractors and project teams at the Town have worked very hard over the last year to bring Broadway Bricks to completion. We hope residents are able to take advantage of a more accessible space in Downtown Orangeville.”
With the completion of Broadway Brick’s, Orangeville’s vibrant downtown will benefit from improved infrastructure and increased accessibility, creating a space that is truly able to be enjoyed by everyone.
“We’ve had a lot of cooperative weather, which has allowed our contractors and their teams to work more quickly on all aspects of this project,” said Tony Dulisse, Project Manager. “If the weather continues to cooperate, all construction should be wrapped up by end-of-day on October 28, leaving only cleanup and other minor tasks to return Broadway to full use.”
The biggest part of this project was replacing all the sidewalks with new concrete and bricks to provide safer walking surfaces. Other work that was done includes:
· Improved access to downtown storefronts
· Safer walking surfaces
· More benches
· Recycling/garbage stations
· Water refill stations
· Electrical resources for musicians and festivals
· Tree maintenance, including removal and replacement