All aquatics programs currently offered at the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre are set to migrate to Alder Street Recreation Centre beginning on June 24.

The Town of Orangeville is making the shift to accommodate current participants who will be affected by challenges with mechanical features in the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre’s Pool. There will be no staffing impacts as Aquatics Staff will move to Alder Street Recreation Centre alongside the programs.

“This is not a decision we have had to make lightly,” explained Heather Savage, General Manager of Community Services. “The pool at Tony Rose has served our community for more than 50 years. But as the infrastructure has aged and ongoing mechanical and operational issues increase, we will need to close the pool as we assess next steps.”

Throughout the past month, Town staff closed the pool on two separate occasions to address malfunctions. Numerous attempts to repair the dehumidification unit have been made over the past year by both staff and private sector contractors. The unit has now reached the end of its lifecycle, leading to increased temperatures in the air and water, which could lead to mold growth.

Community Services Staff will bring a report forward to Orangeville Council on July 8, presenting the results of their assessment and recommendations on next steps.

“Council is aware of the situation and has full confidence in our staff as they work to present what options are available moving forward,” said Mayor Lisa Post. “We understand how frustrating this is and are committed to working with our staff to determine the best way forward for both the Town and our community.”

Replacing the unit will not be a simple or low-cost fix. Due to the age of the facility’s infrastructure, and the significant, ongoing mechanical and operational issues, the safety of staff and participants at the pool needed to be prioritized.

Orangeville Council will decide on next steps following the presentation on July 8, at which time an update will be provided to the public.

Residents who have further questions should email the Town at [email protected].