Information to know before you register

Matters that are general in nature or specific questions regarding Town programs can be brought to the attention of Town Staff or any Member of Council directly.

Prior to submitting your request to delegate, we suggest you contact the relevant department related to your inquiry to receive assistance, if applicable.

For a list of contacts and/or departments please visit

Note: Town staff in relevant departments/divisions are notified of delegation requests related to their area of expertise.

Registering as a Delegate

Orangeville Town Council welcomes members of the public to address Council on matters that are important to them and the community. You may attend a Council meeting either in person or virtually. Should you choose to address Council, please register as a delegate.

The timelines for registering as a delegate vary:

Existing matter published on an upcoming agenda

 If a member of the public has an interest in an existing matter listed on a meeting agenda, they may submit a delegation request form to register no later than 10 a.m. on the day of the scheduled meeting.

A new matter not before Council

Requests to bring a new matter and delegate before Council must be received at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting.

If you would like to delegate, you must register by submitting the delegation request form by the appropriate deadline listed above. The request must include the following:

  • first and last name of the delegate,
  • delegate’s mailing address, telephone number and, e-mail address,
  • nature of business to be discussed and the specific action being requested (what would you like Council to do),
  • whether you have previously discussed this matter with Town staff in advance of requesting a delegation. Please provide the staff member’s name, if known.
  • Presentation materials, notes or handouts related to the delegation for circulation to Council.

Please note all correspondence provided to Council may appear on a Council agenda and published on the Town’s website. The Town accepts the following document formats: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Adobe.


 Delegates will have a maximum of five (5) minutes to address Council as per the Town’s Procedure By-law Additional time will be provided following your delegation to respond to any questions.

The following requests will be refused if they are about:

  • A matter under litigation between you and/or your client and The Town.
  • A matter under investigation by the Ombudsman or Integrity Commissioner.
  • An appeal of an award of a contract to a vendor or service provider.


If a group of individuals wishes to delegate, the group should designate one individual as its spokesperson. The other individuals of the group may participate if there are questions following the delegation and the spokesperson needs assistance in answering them.

Tips for an effective delegation

  • Provide your name and address (and the name of the organization you are representing, if applicable) at the start of your delegation.
  • As you are only allotted five (5) minutes to provide your delegation, it is recommended to keep your introduction brief and move into your main point(s). It is best to provide background information with your delegation request, so Council has an opportunity to review the information before the meeting.
  • If you are asked a question, address your response through the Chair or Mayor by starting your answer with “Through you, Mayor…”
  • Please refrain from speaking after your allotted time unless you are called on by the Mayor/Chair.
  • Please be mindful of the time limit. You may ask for an update if you are not sure how much time you have left.
  • You may return to your seat in the gallery or vacate the meeting at the end of your delegation. 

Tips – In person

  • Please make sure the microphone is turned on and that you are positioned appropriately in front of the camera before you begin your delegation.
  • You may request assistance from Clerk’s staff prior to the scheduled meeting, if necessary.
  • If you provided presentation materials with your request, the materials will be pre-loaded on the delegation laptop. Please use the arrows on the keyboard to advance your slides. 

Tips – Virtual

  • You will be provided with a Teams meeting link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone else. If there are additional parties to your delegation, please let Clerk’s staff know and we will send them their own link to join.
  • Test your microphone and camera prior to the meeting to ensure they are in good working order.
  • Ensure you have good internet reception for a clear delegation.
  • When you join the Team’s meeting, please keep your camera off and your microphone muted until you are called upon by the Mayor/Chair.
  • You may be given permission to share your screen to display your materials, or you may request that staff share on your behalf. Please let us know in advance your preferred option.
If you are new to virtual meetings and would like to do a test meeting, please contact [email protected] prior to the day of the meeting and we will set up a time to test.

Delegation to Council Request Form

Delegating at Public Meetings: Public Meetings are held, as required, to seek feedback from members of the public on matters relating to specific Provincial legislation (i.e. Development Charges Act, 1997Planning Act, etc.) or other such matters as may be deemed to be required. Public Meeting dates can be found on the Town’s website. If you wish to speak at a Public Meeting, registration is not required. The Chair will open the floor to anyone in attendance who wishes to speak to matters listed on the agenda. All comments made during a Public Meeting must relate directly to the matter under consideration at the meeting.

Contact Information

To register as a delegate or to obtain further information on Council related matters, please contact the Town of Orangeville Clerk’s Division at: [email protected]

All Council and Committee meeting information including meeting dates, agendas and minutes can be found on the Town’s website, Calendar - Town of Orangeville