Making a Claim
If your claim is for damage to property, we would recommend that you begin by contacting your insurance company or broker. If your insurer believes we are responsible for your damages, they will seek compensation from us on your behalf, as stipulated in your insurance policy via a process known as “subrogation”.Submit a Claim
If you have suffered a loss or damage for which you believe the Town of Orangeville may be responsible, you must follow the process outlined below in order for the Town to consider your claim. In some cases you are required to place the Town on notice within 10 days of the incident. Failure to comply with legislated timelines may prejudice your ability to make a claim.
You must submit your notice of claim in writing to the Town of Orangeville. This notice of claim can be submitted online by completing the Online Claim Submission Form, by email, regular mail, registered mail, or in person.
1. Your notice of claim must contain, as a minimum, the following information:
- full legal name
- mailing address
- phone number(s)
- email address
- date and approximate time of the incident
- exact location of incident (such as an address or closest intersection, along with any landmarks to assist in narrowing our investigation are helpful)
- a detailed description of what happened in relation to personal injury, vehicle damage, property damage and so on, witnesses' names and addresses and other information that may assist in the investigation of your claim (along with the reasons as to why you believe the Town of Orangeville is liable for the injuries/damages sustained)
- a detailed description of your alleged damages or loss together with any available copies of invoices, estimates or other documentation to support such claim
- you must date and sign this claim letter (electronically is acceptable)
Submission of a Construction Lien
- certified or registered mail
- served in a manner permitted under the rules of court
- by email
2. Your notice of claim / lien should be addressed to:
Town of OrangevilleAttn: Municipal Clerk
87 Broadway
Orangeville, ON L9W 1K1
Email: [email protected]
3. There may be a limitation period or other procedural timelines that apply to your claim, so you should consult your own legal counsel or insurer as needed.
Claim Process
When your notice of claim is received by the Clerk at the Town of Orangeville, it will be date stamped at the time of receipt. Your claim will then be forwarded to the General Manager of the department involved, and Finance Department.
This claim process may take time, so you should consult your own legal counsel or insurer if an immediate response to your claim is required.
You will be advised of the outcome of the investigation when all relevant facts are determined.
We do not provide compensation for your costs unless you provide evidence that the Town of Orangeville committed a negligent act or omission which resulted in the injury or damage.
Like most Canadian municipalities, we only compensate when we are legally liable for the damage sustained. This approach helps to reduce costs for the taxpaying public, who ultimately bear the cost of these claims.
This claims process does not mean that the Town of Orangeville is accepting liability for your claim, nor does it waive any legal rights that the Town may be able to rely on in matters such as these.