A graphic reading "Economic Development and Culture Strategy". There are six photos in a grid. Each features people

A new strategy for economic development and culture in Orangeville

As part of its ongoing efforts to support our local business community, the Town of Orangeville is creating a new Economic Development and Culture Strategy

This new community-based strategy will create a clear, actionable, and comprehensive direction for economic development over the next five years. It will help the Town to respond to changing market conditions, address unique local challenges, and identify future opportunities

Why do we need a new strategy?

This new strategy will build on the findings and actions that were identified and fulfilled as part of Orangeville’s current Economic Development Strategy Update. Completed in 2018, the existing strategy was adopted as a five-year plan. All key actions have now been completed or have become irrelevant due to changes within the community. 

How can I share my ideas?

A thorough stakeholder engagement process was completed in June using a public online survey, interviews, and focus groups. The work to develop the strategy will continue through to July. If you have ideas to share, please contact the Town of Orangeville's Economic Development and Culture team.  

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