
Municipal Senior of the Year Award announced
Posted on Monday, January 28, 2019 12:00 AM
The Town of Orangeville pays tribute each year to seniors who have enriched the social, cultural, or civic life of the community. Initiated in 1996, the award program invites public nominations with the final decision made by Orangeville Council. During a municipal election year, the award is presented at the start of the subsequent year.
Jill Cutter and Ruth Garwood were selected to receive a Senior of the Year Award for 2018. The awards were presented at the January 28 meeting of Orangeville Council....
Council meetings available on YouTube
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2019 12:00 AM
Meetings of Orangeville Council can now be viewed on Youtube.
Residents can view a live stream of meetings as they take place or view them at a later date via Youtube on the Orangeville Council channel. Audio and visual technology has been updated in Council Chambers during a renovation completed in December of 2018. A voice-activated camera system provides a better viewing experience as Council members, staff, and members of the public take turns speaking and cameras automatically focus on the...