Two women are sitting at a table looking at a laptop and a book. The copy on the graphic reads, “held as a member-led, confidential, small peer group, the program offers the opportunity to foster valuable connections, share experiences, and find solutions to business hurdles.”

Entrepreneurs encounter many of the same fundamental challenges as they start, operate, and grow their business. The Orangeville & Area SBEC's monthly Forum Program is a member-led, confidential, small peer group. The program creates the opportunity to foster valuable connections, share experiences, and find solutions to hurdles you face as a business owner.

Each group is made up of six to ten business owners in non-competitive industries. Hosted monthly, Forum meetings encourage participants to motivate each other, work through challenges, hold space for each other's struggles, and celebrate each other's wins in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

To learn more and determine how this program could support your business, contact us today.