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Fire division partnership with McDonalds

Orangeville Fire and McDonald’s partner to deliver safety messages, coupons

Posted on Friday, April 30, 2021 09:20 AM

McDonald’s customers, using McDelivery, will receive coupons for treats and some fire safety messages, thanks to a new partnership between McDonald’s Orangeville locations on Riddell Road and at Walmart and Orangeville Fire.

Customers using the McDonald’s delivery app will get their order, along with a postcard coupon offering one free ice cream cone, any size fries, or any size of premium roast coffee. Two versions of the postcard will permit Orangeville Fire to share messages about planning and...

movie reel

Dates revised for filming new television series in Orangeville

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 03:33 PM

Filming for a new television series is now scheduled for early May, with revised dates announced by the production company. Marble Media OU Productions Inc. will be using Orangeville for some of their exterior location base for the series called “Overlords and Underwoods”. Marblemedia will be filming in Orangeville from May 4-6, necessitating some traffic stoppages and some recreation park closures.

The family comedy follows the Underwoods, a North American family whose life is turned upside down...

Council Highlights - April 19, 2021 Public Meeting

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 01:04 PM

Public Meeting re 200 Elizabeth Street – Staff outlined a Zoning By-law amendment application that seeks approval for the development of four semi-detached dwelling units fronting on Ada Street, and an 80 square metre convenience retail store fronting on Elizabeth Street. The lands are zoned Neighbourhood Commercial (C2) with Special Provision 24.46A and permit convenience retail and dwelling units on upper floors. The application seeks to amend the zoning to permit convenience retail along Elizabeth...

Town Hall

Town of Orangeville employee has tested positive for COVID-19

Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 04:00 PM

The Town of Orangeville is providing notice that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19. The Town is advising the community out of an abundance of caution.

The employee is self-isolating at home for 14 days. The employee was predominantly working from home and followed protocols in place while in the workplace. Public Health has completed an assessment and confirmed there was no high-risk exposure with others. The Town is providing support as needed. The area where the staff member worked was...

Council Highlights - April 12, 2021

Posted on Monday, April 19, 2021 11:16 AM

Orangeville Hydro, greenhouse gas emissions – Council heard a presentation by Rob Koekkoek, President of Orangeville Hydro, summarizing community greenhouse gas emissions in Dufferin County, and indicating that for Orangeville, electricity was the source of 3% of CO2 emissions, while gasoline was 53%, natural gas 38% and solid waste 3%.

Vehicle noise reduction – Resident Michael Cornish presented concerns that he has regarding vehicle noise control and provided some suggested actions.

COVID-19 Community...

movie reel

New television series to be filmed in Orangeville area

Posted on Monday, April 19, 2021 08:51 AM

Filming for a new television series is about to get underway in Orangeville. Marble Media OU Productions Inc. will be using Orangeville for some of their exterior location base for the series called “Overlords and Underwoods”. Marblemedia OU Productions of Kleinburg will be filming in Orangeville for several days, starting on April 28, necessitating some traffic stoppages and some recreation park closures.

The family comedy follows the Underwoods, a North American family whose life is turned upside...

Stay at home order

New provincial restrictions impact outdoor recreation services and gatherings

Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2021 12:49 PM

Following the April 16 announcement by the Province of Ontario, all outdoor recreational amenities such as tennis courts, sports pads, skatepark, soccer fields, basketball courts, etc. are closed (as of April 17), as part of an extended stay-at-home period with greater restrictions. The off-leash dog park will remain open until further notice.

"The situation is serious and the virus is real,” said Mayor Sandy Brown. “To curtail mobility and reduce the spread, the province has had to step...

Town Hall

Community Recognition Awards recognize new recipients during COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 12:56 PM

The Town of Orangeville has announced the latest recipients of the COVID-19 Community Recognition Awards. The recognition program, aimed at deserving residents, businesses and organizations for outstanding efforts within the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, has seen more than a dozen awards announced since the fall of 2020.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we look to our community heroes who are going above and beyond to help others”, said Mayor Sandy Brown. “A simple glimmer of humanity...

Ensure your business is COVID-19 compliant

Posted on Friday, April 09, 2021 11:52 AM

As the province steps up enforcement of COVID-19 requirements in Ontario's workplaces, dozens of new occupational health and safety inspectors have been deployed to ensure businesses are operating safely. Over 11,800 workplace inspections have been conducted this year alone, with over 9,400 orders and 370 tickets issued.

While many workplaces are in compliance with COVID safety protocols, some still lack the basics, such as compulsory safety plans and screening protocols. The consequences of non-compliance...

Stay home, save lives

Provincial emergency declared, stay-at-home order announced

Posted on Thursday, April 08, 2021 08:00 AM

Ontario enacts third state of emergency as well as a Stay-at-Home Order to protect health system capacity and save lives during third wave of COVID-19.  Order takes effect at 12:01 April 8. A province-wide shutdown went into effect April 3.

Residents are advised that only essential trips are permitted --  pharmacies, grocery stores and medical appointments. As the weather gets warmer, outdoor...

Council Highlights - March 22, 2021

Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2021 09:05 AM

Invasive Species Strategy and Sustainable Forest Management Plan – Credit Valley Conservation representatives Aaron Day, Kate Hayes and Freyja Whitten provided information to Council relating to the invasive species strategy and outlined a sustainable forest management plan. 

Island Lake Conservation Management Plan – Kate Burgess, Conservation Lands Planner with Credit Valley Conservation, presented the Island Lake Conservation Management Plan and highlighted key points of the plan. 

Town Hall

Town moves to Orange under provincial pandemic plan

Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 02:11 PM

The Province of Ontario has placed the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health area in the orange/restrict zone of the COVID-19 response framework. Certain Town facilities will be open for specific services with capacity limits for each facility, while many other services will be offered remotely or by appointment. Visit the Province of Ontario's website for more information about the different colour levels. 

Town Hall

  • Town Hall will be open for walk-in traffic as of Thursday, March 25 from 9 a.m....