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March Break library programs cancelled

Posted on Friday, March 13, 2020 12:00 AM

The Orangeville Public Library is cancelling all programs and events next week including the March Break (March 16-21) programs. The library will offer a full refund for any tickets that have already been purchased for March Break live performances.

Today, the Upper Grand District School Board informed the library that the school venue (Princess Elizabeth Public School) is no longer available for the March Break performances.  In addition, Ontario's chief medical officer of health is recommending...

Traffic signals to be upgraded at two Broadway intersections

Posted on Thursday, September 12, 2019 12:00 AM

As part of the 2019 budget, Council approved a project that includes updates to two sets of traffic signals located at Broadway and Dawson, and Broadway and Second Street. The upgrades are part of an ongoing multiple year program that ensures that traffic signals are upgraded to current regulations and are maintained in accordance with Municipal and Provincial requirements.

This year’s program includes the replacement of 20-year-old equipment that has come to the end of its service life. Specifically,...

Notice of Passing of a by-law to amend by-law 70-2014 Respecting Development Charges

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:00 AM

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville passed a by-law to amend By-law 70-2014 respecting development charges, being By-law No. 042-2019 on the 26th day of August, 2019 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended;

AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Orangeville on...

Notice of Passing of a by-law to establish Development Charges for Town wide and area specific services

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:00 AM

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville passed a by-law to establish development charges for Town wide and area specific services, being By-law No. 043-2019 on the 26th day of August, 2019 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended;

AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Town...

Road construction scheduled for Faulkner and Gifford Streets

Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:00 AM

October update to July news release:

The reconstruction of Faulkner Street, from Broadway to Elizabeth Street, will be deferred until the spring of 2020 due to the lateness of the season. Arrangements have been made by the Town to remove all signs, construction equipment, and materials from the street given that the project has been rescheduled.


July news release:

The Town of Orangeville has awarded a contract for road construction on Faulkner and Gifford Streets to FCM Construction of Oakville.


Town initiates road construction projects for 2019

Posted on Monday, May 27, 2019 12:00 AM

Several road construction projects are slated for the summer months in the Town of Orangeville.

Construction has resumed on the second phase of Second Avenue reconstruction.  The first phase of the Second Avenue project, from Second Street to Third Street, was undertaken in the fall of 2018.  Phase two, from First Street to Second Street, got underway this spring with completion set for the first week of June 2019. The overall project is expected to wrap up in early September, with the top...

Fire hydrant flushing and maintenance program runs from May to July

Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:00 AM

The Town of Orangeville will commence its fire hydrant flushing and maintenance program on May 1.

This will affect the users of the following water systems:

  • Orangeville Water System
  • Cardinal Woods Water System (Mono)
  • Coles/Island Lake/Purple Hill Water System (Mono)

Please be aware that from May 1 to July 31, 2019 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday each week, Orangeville Water Works staff will be completing fire hydrant flushing and maintenance programs in the municipal water...