By-laws Number:
Date of Adoption:
Traffic - A by-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Orangeville

Amended By
2009-018 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 as amended to permit the parking of school buses in residential areas

2016-113 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005, as amended, to permit some overnight parking in the municipally controlled lot of 82-90 Broadway. (Report PW-2016-52, Nov. 14/16).


A by-law to amend Traffic by-law 78-2005 to establish no parking on local streets within the Town of Orangeville.

2007-076 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish stop sings on First Avenue, Margaret Street and the laneway between Second and Third Street


A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish no parking on local streets within the Town of Orangeville

2011-036 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish stop signs and parking restrictions at various locations. (C01/T08)

2010-098 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a 40 kilometres per hour maximum rate of speed on Wellington Street

2013-112 A by-law amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish stop sign locations and prohibit parking. (C01)

2024-066 A by-law to amend By-law 78-2005 being a by-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Orangeville

2006-063 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78 – 2005 to establish Community Safety Zones (Town Line – between Orange and Bythia Streets) (Broadway – between Fourth and John Streets)

2012-078 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to suspend parking prohibitions on a temporary basis. (McCannell Avenue). (C01/T02

2025-015 A by-law to amend By-law 2005-078 being a by-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Orangeville

2013-046 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005, to suspend parking prohibitions on a temporary basis (Elizabeth Street and McCarthy Street). (C01)


A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005

2006-132 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish Community Safety Zones (Elizabeth – between Clara Street and Amelia Street, Clara Street between Elizabeth Street

2014-073 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005, to establish a 40 kilometre per hour maximum rate of speed on Spencer Avenue.

2013-111 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a 40 kilometres per hour maximum rate of speed on Elizabeth Street. (C01)

2011-009 A by-law to amend traffic by-law 78-2005 with respect to prohibit parking in the lane north off Armstrong Street, east of Mill Street. (Auth. Jan. 10/11 by resol. #6). (C01/T06)

2011-112 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a 40 kph maximum rate of speed on Blind Line. (C01/T08)

2009-035 A by-law to amend traffic by-law no. 78-2005 to establish stop signs at the intersection of Second Street and Third Avenue

2008-107 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions in the Rebecca Hills subdivision (joshua Rd, Marshall cres., Jay Cres., Murray Crt)

2014-002 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish stop sign locations and prohibit parking. (C01)

2006-035 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish a stop sign on Hurontario Street at Buena Vista Drive

2008-006 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish stop signs at the intersection of Oak Ridge Drive and McMaster Road

2009-104 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to extend the school bus loading zone at Princess Elizabeth Public School.

2015-067 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions and the location of crossing guards. (PW-2015-33, July 13, 2015).

2011-077 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to address various house-keeping matters. (C01/T008)

2005-085 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No’s. 125-86, as amended, and 78-2005 to Restrict Truck Traffic on Rolling Hills Drive and McCannell Avenue

2011-028 A by-law to approve the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Hansen Boulevard and Amelia Street and to amend By-law 78-2005 (signalized intersections). (C01/T07)

2008-114 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions on Fourth Avenue

2024-065 A by-law to amend By-law 78-2005 being a by-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Orangeville

2018-016 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 with respect to enformcement of electric vehicles charging stations and electric vehicle parking spaces. (ED-2018-10, April 9, 2018)

2016-034 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to add stop signs on Meadow Drive. (Authorized April 4, 2016)

2014-060 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respec to parking restrictions (Carlton Drive).

2007-011 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005, as amended, to delete the provision for issuing parking permits for the Rotary Park Lot

2013-060 A by-law to a amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions (Riddell Road – Canada Day Fireworks). (C01)

2018-047 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to various housekeeping matters (CL-014-2018, December 10, 2018; PW-2017-44, October 16, 2017; PW-2017-20, June 12, 2017; Honours Committee, February 12, 2018; FD2018-02, September 24, 2018, various Si

2010-075 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005, with respect to parking restrictions (Palace Court, York Street, 114 Broadway laneway).

2017-081 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to various housekeeping matters

2008-060 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to creating 2 hour parking spaces on the east side of Mill Street

2012-103 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish a stop sign location on Banting Drive. (C01/T07)

2008-097 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish stop signs at the intersection of Fieldgate Drive and Passmore Avenue

2016-103 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions (Sunset Drive)

2008-016 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to short form wording for set fines

2015-004 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions and the installation of stop signs (Edgewood Valley Subdivision Phase 1B).

2006-115 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to suspend parking prohibitions on a temporary basis (Church Street)

2005-090 A by-law to amend By-law 88-98, as being a By-law to establish a 40 kilometres per hour maximum rate of speed on specified road and to amend By-law 78-2005, being the Traffic By-law. (Oak Ridge Drive)

2009-088 A by-law to amend Parking Restrictions Intraffic By-law 78-2005 during the reconstruction of William Street (between September 1 and December 1, 2009 - both inclusive).

2010-010 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to a 2 hour parking limit.(168 B and 172 Broadway, Units 4 and 5)(Bill # 010-010)

2019-051 A by-law to amend Traffic by-law 78-2005 to establish a 40 kilometer per hour maximum rate of speed on Hurontario Street.

2019-017 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a reduced speed limit and a community safety zone on Spencer Avenue & Alder Street (Resolution No.17, February 11, 2019)

2009-020 A by-law to approve the installation of Traffic signals at the intersection of C Line and Centennial Road.

2010-089 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a 40 Kilometres per hour maximum rate of speed on Wellington Street

2023-081 A by-law to amend By-law 78-2005, a by-law to Regulate Traffic in the Town of Orangeville

2006-003 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking at the laneway north of 87 Broadway and to designate the laneway as a one way highway.

2013-059 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect parking restrictions (Parsons Street). (C01)

2021-056 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005

2009-046 A by-law to amend traffic by-law No. 78-2005 to establish the location of a crossing guard at the intersection of Highway #9 and Oak Ridge Drive/Rolling Hills Drive.

2013-009 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 78-2005 to establish a stop sign location and prohibit parking on Young Court. (C01/T08)

2015-044 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to establish a stop sign location, a 40 kilometer per hour maximum rate of speed and a community safety zone on Diane Drive. (PW-2015-26, Apr 27/15)

2016-073 A by-law to amend Traffic by-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions. (Report PW-2016-30, June 20/16).

2021-012 A by-law to amend Traffic by-law 78-2005 to establish reduced speed limits within the Town of Orangeville

2013-017 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 (Overnight Parking – rear of 168-278 Broadway Schedule A – Parking Restrictions). (Auth. Jan 21/13 by Resol. #13&14). (C01/T08)

2008-011 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to stop signs at the intersection of McMaster Road and Oak Ridge Drive and parking restrictions on Oak Ridge Drive

2008-082 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to set fine rates.

2008-005 A by to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions on McMaster Road

2012-082 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 to suspend parking prohibitions on a temporary basis (Elizabeth Street and McCarthy Street). (C01/T08)

2007-070 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to parking restrictions (8 Front Street)

2007-026 A by-law to amend Traffic By-law 78-2005 with respect to a 2 hour parking limit.