By-laws Number:
Date of Adoption:
Signs - A by-law to regulate the use and erection of signs, canopies and other advertising devices

Amended By
2024-074 A by-law to amend numerous by-laws to provide for a consolidation of user fees and charges for the Town of Orangeville


A by-law to amend Sign by-law 28-2013 to allow for a streamlined permit approval process with respect to projection signs in the Heritage Sign Special Policy District within the Downtown BIA.

2022-003 Election Signs - A by-law to regulate election signs

2019-071 A by-law to amend By-law 28-2013 being a by-law to regulate the use and erection of signs, canopies and other advertising devices in the Town of Orangeville

2016-023 A by-law to amend Sign By-law 28-2013 to regulate the use and erection of signs, canopies and other advertising devices.

2013-074 A by-law to amend Sign By-law 28-2013, to regulate the use and erection of signs, canopies and other advertising devices (Sandwich Board signs). (C01)

2014-101 A by-law to amend Sign By-law 28-2013, to regulate the use and erection of signs, canopies and other advertising devices.