A web banner that reads East/west Broadway corridor study. A picture of Orangeville's downtown, just west of Highway 10 is shown.

Guiding future development, land use and community needs within Orangeville’s character and heritage

An aerial shot of a small town and main roadway

For areas along Broadway near our historic downtown, this study will help us guide how future development will look and integrate with our existing identity. It will also identify how the streetscape of Broadway should look and feel outside of the downtown, to guide public infrastructure investments that will support this development and streetscape vision.

Community interests play an important role in planning for our future. The study includes public engagement to help make sure the plan balances what our community’s vision of the future is with Provincial planning objectives we are required to support.

Have your say!

Study areas

A map depicting the study areas described on this web page

We will be focusing on two specific corridor areas of Broadway, to the east and west of the downtown:

  • East Broadway: Highway 10 to Wellington Street/Third Street
  • West Broadway: Blind Line to Centre Street/Clara Street

Within these areas, the study will include properties on the north and south side of Broadway.

 What is a road corridor?

A road corridor is a technical term for a road right-of-way (ROW) and the land around it, including the roadway and roadside features (i.e. boulevard, sidewalks, streetlights, hydrants, utilities, etc.) and adjacent properties.

Road corridors in an urban setting connect different areas in a city or town and are used for transportation, and also contain public infrastructure (i.e. watermains, sanitary sewers, stormwater drainage and utilities) to service adjacent properties.

The design and layout of road corridor elements and buildings on adjacent properties creates what is referred-to as the streetscape – a technical term used to describe the look and feel of the public street domain.

Creating a safe, functional and attractive streetscape environment helps shape a vibrant and healthy community for residents and visitors. 

Why we’re conducting this study

Orangeville continues to grow. More development plans are being proposed for areas along Broadway, east and west of downtown. We expect development activity will increase based on Dufferin County’s growth forecasts and targets for the Town over the next thirty (30) years. As an important part of planning for future growth, we want to make sure developments near our downtown are more than attractive – that they also complement its unique character and heritage.

Over time, streets and infrastructure wear down. As we plan for growth, we not only want to make sure we are improving our streets and infrastructure but are including work that helps prepare for increased use.

A detailed plan is needed to:

  • Create a clear vision for these areas
  • Guide how the land is used and designed
  • Plan for future public investments
  • Honour our community’s character and heritage

Project timeline - winter 2024 to fall 2025

A blue graphic with the words project initiation and information gathering, winter 2025

Phase one: Project initiation and information gathering - late 2024/winter 2025

An orange graphic with the words development, vision, and planning study, spring and summer 2025

Phase two: Development, vision and planning study - spring/summer 2025

A green graphic with the words implementation, fall 2025

Phase three: Implementation - fall 2025

The Town has retained J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd. (JLR) to conduct this study. The study process contains three phases. The first phase began late 2024 and the remaining two phases will take place in 2025, set to be completed this fall. We expect public engagement to occur in Phase 1 – Information Gathering and Phase 2 – Development Vision and Planning Study.

An image of planning blueprints open on a table

Project scope

The project will include six main focuses that will help identify what considerations should be made. These include:

  • Assessing current guidelines and conditions in place for land use, infrastructure, development, and transportation
  • Analyzing legislative and policy framework and best practices
  • Establishing a preferred development vision and land use framework
  • Developing streetscape plans and creating design guidelines
  • Reviewing how these tools will be implemented
  • Conducting community engagement

The east and west Broadway corridor planning study will not include requests to change Town of Orangeville Official Plan designations or zoning classifications for specific properties. While the study may result in recommended amendments to the official plan and zoning bylaws, these will be brought forward through a separate process.

A photo of a historical building, with the bottom half blocked by trees in the fall.

Community engagement

Community engagement will play an important role in the study. There will be several opportunities for you or your organization to get involved and provide your input on the future of Broadway.

Our first community engagement opportunity is available now! Please take some time to fill out our survey. Survey closes Feb. 5, 2025.

Several public consultation events will be held throughout the study, including public open house and other in-person events.

Additional engagement opportunities, how to stay informed, and more ways to provide your feedback will be provided on this page as the study moves forward.

Take the survey

For more information

We want to hear from you throughout this process! There are two ways you can provide your comments.

By email
[email protected]
By mail 
Planning Division
Town of Orangeville
87 Broadway
Orangeville ON L9W 1K1 

Please include the following subject line: East and west Broadway corridor planning study